Yes, I am so incredibly lame for waiting so long to post this but since the FatCast came out I was shamed into getting off my lazy ass to do it. This was the third year and I tried some news things. The most notable of which was sending my family packing. It made for a very easy time, but I dropped the ball on a few details that my wife would have been on top of.
I am incredibly thankful to all those that participated and came down. THANK YOU!!!
I also want to thank the Mystery benefactor who sent down a box of games.
John Clowdus who brought a copy of Hemlock and Omen (two outstanding games) to everyone.
And most of all, Richard Launius who lent out his clubhouse and helps me coordinate all the details.
Left to Right
Chris Tandimeyer (a strange Aeon) -ave-osrell (going incognito) and Dair
Coming back from the airport, we decided to stop at The Varisty which is an Atlanta landmark: home of overpriced and incredibly greasy food. It is definately between somewhere 10th and 14th...NOT! I circled 3 times. Duh.
-ave will shortly thereafter suffer a Gran Mal heart attack after eating some unspecified fried food.
Left to Right Dair, Bernie(Bstyles), Mjl(foreground), Zev, JoshLook(Foreground),Frank
Morning BS session. There was a lot lot lot of BSing...
Left to right ??, Jeremy(milliondollarMimring), Ian(gloocose), KenB
More BSing and playing...Something.
Left to Right JoshLook and John Clowdus
Drunk or concentrating. I can't tell which. Playing Sentinals of the Universe.
Frank with the very first copy of Battle Beyond Space. I still can't get over him with short hair and beard.
Left to Right Clowdus(Maybe?), Zev, MattLoter, Dair
We kicked Loters ass in Fury of Dracula. He was a wiley one though...
Left to Right MJL, aStrangeAeon,Frank,JoshLook
Frank teaches Intrusion. Apparently it is much better with only 4...
Left To Right Zev, RichardLaunius, JohnClowdus, Rilyen(Scott)
The group tries out the latest incarnation of Richard's Spy game prototype at the clubhouse.
Left to right KenB, -ave-oswell,Evilgit(Darric), MillionDollarMimring(Jeremy), Gloocose (Ian)
The group slugs it out in Chaos in the Old World
Left to right MattLoter, ??, BStyles, WillKenyon(Foreground), Dair
Day2 The group fired up a day long game of TwilightImperium 3 (along with JoshLook and ?) On Day three the scene was exactly the same but with Game of Thrones instead.
Left to Right, Chris, Zev, MJL, and Frank
War of 1812. Chris, Zev and Mjl play the Canadian French/Indian agaist Frank and I americans. This game looks like a dry euro but plays GREAT. We pulled off a hard fought win for the Americans.
That is about 1/2 of the photos that I took. Typically in the evenings I would be a bit too buzzy to remember to take photos so many of them are in the mornings. Also I forgot ot take one with everyone wearing their F:ATtie shirt. Ah well.
More photos to come in Part Deux
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- Averyfest: A Pictoral Guide
Averyfest: A Pictoral Guide
Stephen Avery
There Will Be Games
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