Some progress today: stayed on my feet most of the day cleaning and doing things around the house. Avoided the computer for most of the day. Also went shopping and did a fairly good job of purchasing some decent meals and snacks. Also cleaned out and organised my refrigerator, placing the healthier things at the top front and the less desirable things in the bottom rear. A few things simply weren't needed anymore.
A little bit more about me and why I am the Squigherder.
(A Squig Herder is a goblin in the Warhammer Fantasy world who uses a variety of loud noise making devices and sharp instruments to prod squigs towards their enemies. Squigs are man sized balls of muscle and teeth who often consume many of the herders before they reach their intended target)
Reason 1: I have been an avid Games Workshop hobbyist for many years. when internet handles started being chosen it became mine because.....
Reason 2: I was a stay at home father for many years. When I met Mrs. Herder we both worked at the US post office. After we were married and had our first child life just seemed to get really hard and oh so complicated. One of us was on evenings and the other on graveyards. We needed a babysitter three nights a week from 10:30 Pm until 2:30 AM and finding a reliable person who was sane and had a decent house to watch our first squig was really hard. I had been working at the post office for quite a few years by this time and was really starting to hate it. It's basically just as awful of a job as it is portrayed to be in movies and sitcoms. I had a degree in mathematics from a major university but had no luck in finding a job after college. I was leaning towards returning to school to get teaching certification and was probably going to quit my job in a rage eventually so It wad decided I would stay home and care for our soon to be born 2nd squig. It turned out we both loved the arrangement so much we extended it for 8 years and I started running a mini daycare in our home and was basically a squig herder, as that became the running joke with my game club buddies.
Reason 3: As I am the local Gw fanatic and we live out in the sticks with no FLGS my basement is the home of our local Gw club. We have about 23 members, some portion of which show up at my house every sunday night to game. About 20 of them are also GW hardcores but also many of them dabble in M:TG and a variety of board games. I buy many of the board games we play but two or three other guys also have decent sized collections. We've been meeting regularly at my house since 1995 and banding together for road trips and tournaments that are within a day trip from our home. I have five 4x6 ft tables and a 4x4 ft table in my basement as well as an extra refrigerator right by the gaming area for snacks , pop, beer and such. Keeping the various personalities and activities going strong with map campaigns, special events, a yearly mini-convention/beer fest at my house and more is a lot like herding squigs at times.
Reason 4: I have been one of the co-organizers of our local game convention since 2001. We get anywhere from 250-40 people at our game conventions that happen twice a year in the spring and fall. If you don;t know how this resembles squig herding then you haven't spent much time helping organize a game convention.
Tomorrow I am hoping to get a couple more games in and hopefully get to play my latest acquisition which is scheduled to arrive from Amazon.(more about that and why it was selected to follow) Also going to cook a decent dinner and try some of the bakery bread I picked up today with the kids for lunch. With any luck I am going to get some actual definable exercise in!