Happy New Year to all Fatties. Hope your holiday season was a pleasant one.
Now then, several years ago I put up a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. Needless to say, I got less than half of the list finished. So, instead of plugging away at a list I know I will not finish, this time I came up with a list I have at least a chance of finishing.
1. Renew passport
2. Get Noah a passport
3. Renew wife’s passport
4. Trip to Hong Kong with family during Chinese New Year
5. Establish financial safety net
6. Pay off Line of Credit
7. Pay off Chase
8. Pay off Target
9. Check credit report
10. Set up son’s college fund
11. Get life insurance
12. Take wife on romantic trip
13. Dance with wife to our song
14. Clear out attic
15. Arrange wife to see orthodontist
16. Write Murder City sequel
17. Finish All Men are Brothers adventure and try to get published.
18. Learn Russian
19. Learn Mandarin
20. Learn Cantonese
21. Brush up on Japanese
22. Drop to pre-Katrina weight
23. Do Army Fitness Test
24. Finish painting SotC miniatures
25. Get players to play Living Steel
26. Get players to try Warhammer Fantasy
27. Finish S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RPG
28. Teach son to ride bike
29. Finish To Be Human
30. Finish Devil May Cry
31. Finish Rise to Honor
32. Finish Yakuza
33. Finish Battlestar Galactica (frakkin’ game)
34. Get Dune to table
35. Get Shadowlord! to table
36. Get Android to table
37. Get Supremacy to table
38. Get The Hunt to table
39. Get players to try Midnight
40. Finish Gangs of Mega City One review
41. Convert garage into game room
42. Get pachinko machine
43. Get entire series of Battlestar Galactica
44. Create a game
45. Read All Men are Brothers
46. Take family to St. Louis, Mo. to try real barbeque
47. Visit brother in Boston
48. Visit brother-in-law in Colorado
49. Get an old school Cylon Centurion costume
50. Get Golden Lions costume made
51. Go to a con (any one except Dragon Con)
52. Get new living room furniture
53. Get new sink
54. Learn to draw
55. Get Bose surround system
56. Complete Cowboy Bebop collection
57. Get extended family to play games other than fucking UNO.
58. Get Obsidian Portal subscription
59. Get Phoenix Command Expansion
60. Get AT-43 to table
61. Paint kitchen
62. Paint master bedroom
63. Replace strike covers in son’s bedroom
64. Replace carpet with wooden floors
65. Play Lost Gold with my son
66. Replace Tank Battle (after cats used it for scratching post)
67. Get another copy of Cults Across America
68. Go through DVD collection for 2nd and Charles credit.
69. Give Thomas the Tank Engine DVDs to Eddie for his son
70. Get son to play an RPG
71. Replace missing parts from Panzer Leader
72. Replace missing parts from D&D The Adventure Board Game and the expansions
73. Make a set of Fatal Frame
74. Get copy of Dark Cults for Brandy
75. Support Kickstarter of Mutant Chronicles, 3rd Edition
76. Publish Mutant Chronicles adventures with Modiphus
77. Publish Mutant Chronicles fiction with Modiphus
78. Get Warzone miniatures
79. Get data off of damaged USB drive
80. Finish WDC Omnibus
81. Get BSG: Pegasus expansion
82. Get Judy Greer’s new book
83. Paint living room
84. Replace interior doors in house
85. Replace back door
86. Get back patio enclosed
87. Get siding on house
88. Redo landscaping in front of house
89. Find a game store to call my second home
90. Paint Nin-Gonost miniatures
91. Finish writing Pigeon
92. Replace pieces from Magic Realm
93. Reupholster Gramma's chair
94. Finish Icewind Dale II
95. Finish PnP of Dead of Night
96. Get new printer
97. Write a game review for Tai-Pan
98. Write a game review for Whirlwind
99. Frame Feng Shui poster
100. Finish Brotherhood expansion
101. Get minis for Brotherhood expansion