Okay, if I want to play 12 of my games in this coming year, I had better prepare a shortlist. I will give you a choice from my most recent acquisitions in 2012 and 2013:
The World Cup Card Game (got in 2011)
Ascalion (aka Borderlands, got in 2012)
Mission Red Planet (got in 2012)
Mag Blast
Scarab Lords
Isle of dr Necreaux
Red November
(I already played Pass the Pigs on New Year’s Eve with the kids. Success.)
From Essen
Sigismundus Augustus
(I already played Strajk at the Christmas Offensive 2013, and Rats in the Walls at Essen)
Signum Mortis (Essen 2012)
Other acquisitions
Warriors & Traders
Mice & Mystics
City of Remnants
Love Letters
Pathfinder card game
Lord of the Rings card game (not the CCG)
and some games on Waterloo or Napoleonic wars
Beyond Waterloo
1815: The Waterloo Campaign
Dresden 20
Napoleonic Wars (GMT)
Wellington (GMT)
Most of these are light games, but others require serious study, so they might not make it in the end.
Which one do you guys think I should try first?