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Fathers' Day @ The Southern-Fried Gameroom Expo

MB Updated
Southern Fried Gameroom Expo
There Will Be Games

Inside a new Atlanta video game and pinball convention.

The night before Father’s Day, I was up all night long because my daughter, Scarlett, was projectile vomiting. Running a high fever. Doing all kinds of viral things in the olden days sense of the term. It wasn’t’ all bad – I’m a chronic insomniac and I had my 3DS in hand the whole time playing Etrian Odyssey while she drifted in and out of sleep with one of those dreadful “Buddies” movies on. At least it was the superhero one.

So in the morning, my wife and my son River come down stairs and present me with a robot card and a Breville blender. Plans for the zoo and lunch at this Venezuelan joint are scrapped after a 102.8 temperature reading. My wife hands me her phone and Amex and says “here, take River to this…I would have absolutely no fun there.” On her screen is something called the Southern-Fried Gameroom Expo. I kind of balk at it a little- not wanting to leave her home alone with a very sick child, but we were quickly ushered out the door, River’s backpack full of snacks and drinks.

Come to find out, this sort of arcade game convention that I had never heard of was literally around the corner from our house at a Marriott hotel I never expected to set foot in.  We parked, River was being his usual five year old fidgety and excited about everything self. I told him that he would probably get to play the original game that Donkey Kong and Mario was in- possibly even against the top Donkey Kong player in the world. None other than Billy Mitchell was one of the show’s guests of honor. “I’m gonna play Splatoon!”, he said.

So we went in and I was expecting the worst, to be honest. I pictured a hotel ballroom filled with pinball and arcade games, mostly for sale at exorbitant prices with stinky, sweaty men with ponytails that probably know a little too much about the history of Gottlieb pinball hovering about. We paid the entry fee- free for him, a mere $10 for me and there at the registration table booth was Mr. Mitchell himself. He stood there with his supernaturally straight hair, beard, American flag tie and eat shit glare. Just like you would expect. I wanted to say something, but I just couldn’t think of anything. I brought a little step stool for River that he was carrying and he said “That kid’s bringing his own stool, he’s ready to play”. We had instant credibility at this event, which was full of hipsters, kids and families as much as middle-aged hobby hermits.

So we walked into one of the main ballrooms and I have to say, it was like magic. It was almost but not quite like walking into an arcade circa 1985. What got me beyond the sights and sounds of all of these beautiful, vintage arcade machines (all set on free play) was that it freaking smelled just like how I remember The Gold Mine, Red Baron, Pinball Palace, 2001 and any other arcade I used to play in when I was a kid. It’s not the smell of bad hygiene. It’s like this ozone smell of hot electronics enclosed in wood. My wife texted me- "is it dumb?" "No - it's awesome." I replied.

First game we played – Donkey Kong. River was screaming the entire time because it was so loud in there, the speakers blasting Billy Idol and Tears for Fears notwithstanding. “This is really hard!” he hollered. I took a shot at it, having not played an actual arcade game in a long time, and what surprised me about it was how physical it was to control Mario with an old fashioned joystick and a big old button. We’re so used to gamepads and analog sticks these days that we’ve forgotten the subtle amount of hand strength it took to use those controls.

With the games all on free play, it’s hard in that environment to focus on one game or to really, seriously try to play. You play one or two lives and then move on to something else.  We barreled through a history of classic games. Gorf, Zaxxon, Rampage, Tapper (Budweiser tabletop model), Track and Field, Asteroids, Popeye, Sinistar, Time Crisis, Burgertime, Dragon’s Lair, Star Wars, Robotron 2084, Food Fight, Centipede, TMNT Turtles in Time…I probably couldn’t tell you what all we played. But I do have to say that I could’t help but notice that Omega Race, Crystal Castles, Satan’s Hollow, Crossbow, Battlezone, Spy Hunter and Berzerk weren’t there.

And oh my god, the pinball machines. Pretty much every major machine you’d care to name (with the very notable omission of Twilight Zone) was there, and almost every one lovingly cared for and 100% functional. I played an amazing Firepower machine that I would have bought on the spot if I had the money and my wife wouldn’t kill me. River absolutely loved Medieval Madness, we played it a bunch and he was really into the Star Wars machine, for obvious reasons. I played a lot of machines I had only seen pictures of before, like this stunning wide-field Bally Space Invaders machine with table art pretty much directly ripped off from HR Giger’s Alien work. Another one I would have bought on the spot if I had my druthers.  Vintage machines going back to the 1940s and 50s were on hand, as were more recent Stern machines like the new Walking Dead machine, which was impossible to ever get a turn on. Classics such as Pin-Bot, Black Knight, Addams Family and so forth were there and wonderful as always.

The games were all brought in by private collectors to create this sort of temporary museum. Some were for sale. Some were entered in a contest to pick the best-restored or best-modified machines. Simpsons Arcade won its category and a beautiful Genesis machine won for pinball. There were also custom-made machines, like this one I saw playing Earthbound of all things. Some interesting items like a Fix-It Felix Jr. machine that must have been some kind of promo for the film. Virtual pinball tables with the big LCD TVs for the playfield were also present and very, very cool.

But that wasn’t all. There were also rooms for modern consoles, where we played a couple of rounds of eight player Smash Bros. Wii U, and also a small assortment of vintage consoles. I finally got to play Virtual Boy, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. It was actually kind of neat. River got to play his grandpa’s favorite game River Raid on a classic wood panel 2600. They had an Intellivision and it was really funny to see my boy try to hold the controller with that big stupid disc on the left like a modern gamepad.

River loved the whole thing. He wanted to play everything. But the one game that he kept coming back to and asking to go back to was Duck Hunt, played on this beat-up NES on a thrift store Magnavox. I think he would have sat there and played it all day long if I had let him. He was fascinated with the Zapper (which he recognized from Splatoon) with its satisfyingly tactile trigger-click, and I’ll be damned if he didn’t try to shoot that damn dog, as is the unspoken tradition of that classic game.

There were tournaments. There were panels. There were a couple of vendors. Billy Mitchell was hawking some kind of hot sauce.  Buckner was there, but for some reason not Garcia.  "Artistic differences", perhaps? There was a big booth that sold pinball machine parts. Jamma boards.  Lightbox art pieces made from old game marquees, including a Ghosts and Goblins one I really wanted. But we didn’t spend any money.

But we did spend plenty of time there, I think all told we were there for like five hours and River still wasn’t ready to leave. In all, I think it was probably the best father’s day I’ve ever had, apart from my daughter being sick and my wife being stuck at home with her.  This was the first year they've done this, apparently, so we'll definitely be back next year for it.

As a footnote- I ran into none other than Ameritrash founding father Robert Martin, I haven’t seen him in years. He was planning on playing a game of TI3 with his 11 year old son later that evening, so he’s still out there.

There Will Be Games
Michael Barnes (He/Him)
Senior Board Game Reviews Editor

Sometime in the early 1980s, MichaelBarnes’ parents thought it would be a good idea to buy him a board game to keep him busy with some friends during one of those high-pressure, “free” timeshare vacations. It turned out to be a terrible idea, because the game was TSR’s Dungeon! - and the rest, as they say, is history. Michael has been involved with writing professionally about games since 2002, when he busked for store credit writing for Boulder Games’ newsletter. He has written for a number of international hobby gaming periodicals and popular Web sites. From 2004-2008, he was the co-owner of Atlanta Game Factory, a brick-and-mortar retail store. He is currently the co-founder of and as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Miniature Market’s Review Corner feature. He is married with two childen and when he’s not playing some kind of game he enjoys stockpiling trivial information about music, comics and film.

Articles by Michael

Michael Barnes
Senior Board Game Reviews Editor

Articles by Michael

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ChristopherMD's Avatar
ChristopherMD replied the topic: #204778 22 Jun 2015 16:48
This sounds awesome. I'm going to have to look and see if anything like it comes to my area.
Hex Sinister's Avatar
Hex Sinister replied the topic: #204784 22 Jun 2015 17:17
Great read, thanks for sharing. Now if only my stomach could handle hot sauce lol...
Gary Sax's Avatar
Gary Sax replied the topic: #204788 22 Jun 2015 17:47
"It’s like this ozone smell of hot electronics enclosed in wood."

ubarose's Avatar
ubarose replied the topic: #204795 22 Jun 2015 19:38
Wow! That sounds amazing! What a perfect Father's Day. Well, except for the sick baby. Hope she is feeling better now.
Black Barney's Avatar
Black Barney replied the topic: #204796 22 Jun 2015 20:18
In this article, I learned that River is actually a boy. I don't know why I thought you had two girls this entire time.

Awesome article and pics, thanks!

btw is Scarlett better? You can't open with a kid having a high fever and not let worried empathetic parents know she's better now by the end!
logopolys's Avatar
logopolys replied the topic: #204797 22 Jun 2015 20:47
That's sounds pretty awesome. There are a ton of good vintage arcade boxes from that list that I would have loved to have tried. Good to here that Sinistar was out there. I'm curious if the old Doctor Who pinball machine was in attendance:
Michael Barnes's Avatar
Michael Barnes replied the topic: #204799 22 Jun 2015 21:50
Not just one my friend- two of 'em. And it's a favorite so I had to put in a turn on both.
iguanaDitty's Avatar
iguanaDitty replied the topic: #204804 22 Jun 2015 23:07
This makes me want to look up the pinball museum that's supposed to exist somewhere in/near Baltimore. Thanks for the writeup, sounds fantastic.
Not Sure's Avatar
Not Sure replied the topic: #204805 23 Jun 2015 00:07
Fix-it Felix machines were built as a tie-in for the film.

They had a couple of them stuck in the Disneyland arcade during the theater run, all set to free play. It was very well done, felt just like a lost classic.

We don't have any sudden flash expos that I'm aware of, but there's a couple of retro arcades in town. We took my kids to the more family-oriented one and they had a blast. Gauntlet was the big winner that night.

I also wrecked my wrists playing R-Type. Those old consoles are just ergonomically brutal. I think I'm permanently damaged from childhood.
Dr. Mabuse's Avatar
Dr. Mabuse replied the topic: #204822 23 Jun 2015 09:57
That sounded like a phenomenal day.
engineer Al's Avatar
engineer Al replied the topic: #204823 23 Jun 2015 11:38
I am green with nostalgic envy. Especially the part about the Firepower table. Probably my favorite all time pinball game. I do think that arcades are more fun when you pay per game, rather than an overall entry fee. It makes each ball/life feel more important and therefore makes everything more exciting. Jealous, nonetheless. . .
OldHippy's Avatar
OldHippy replied the topic: #204826 23 Jun 2015 12:07
Great write up, it definitely made me jealous as well and it invoked the feel of an 80's arcade quite well... or at least a nostalgic tribute to one. I really want to go back in time now and re-visit the arcades of my youth.
Dr. Mabuse's Avatar
Dr. Mabuse replied the topic: #204857 24 Jun 2015 00:47

Michael Barnes wrote: It’s like this ozone smell of hot electronics enclosed in wood.

That shit should be bottled and sold as cologne.
Mr. White's Avatar
Mr. White replied the topic: #204973 26 Jun 2015 01:19
Sounds like a great father's day, and with how guarded you've been in the past, I can only assume those photos are of someone else's kid. ;)
(How'd you get that photo of River playing pinball? It's great!, but shouldn't there be a machine back in that angle?)

My son is also a huge fan of retro-gaming. We have this place, Pinballz Kingdom, about 15 mins from the house that specializes in old-school pinball and arcade cabinets. We hit it up with a stack of randomly collected/found quarters about once a month (then head over for a Dan's burger and shake across the street).

His mom got him a book on the early history of video games, so he's always dropping little trivia bits when we play which is cute. I've wondered if him playing in the world of our nostalgia robs him of his own generation's offerings, but when I looking around I stopped worrying. Outside of the home consoles, all the new video games seem to either be timed racers, gun/rail shooters, or those various garbage machines that spit out tickets. Nothing doing there.

Whenever we go to a place that supposedly has 'arcade' games we look for the one or two retro machines tucked in the back (usually Pac-Man, Mrs. Pac-man, or Galaga are on hand...seems like there was a big run on Mrs. Pac-man/Galaga split machines put out sometime in the last decade...they're everywhere) and do the little thing with the quarters on the cabinet and take turns. It's a fun tradition for us.