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Board Games 5338
One of the best games of all time
This is simply put one of our era's finest games. Broad in scope, ambitious in execution, this is a game all ATers owe themselves to try.

If War of the Ring, Game of Thrones, and Doom were the opening salvos, this is the game that put FFG on the map to stay.

The threaded actions and role selections do crib from Euros, but it's a welcome evolution as classic but sometimes stodgy AT designs got a boost in the arm from some of the better ideas to spring from the Eurogame revolution.

If you are an AT fan and opening this box doesn't give send you into plastic-induced ecstacy, you are dead inside.

This one's got it all...combat, negotiation, secret objectives, wildly unbalancing action cards, variable player powers and races, a political system...

Try it now. This will be one of those games that will be sought after years from now.
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