A lot of choices and strategy here, which is almost always a good thing. The theme is thin and uninteresting, though. Also, I guess you have to play it several times before you "get" the strategy. There wasn't much there to interest me, though. If the strategy isn't intuitive or if I can't figure out what to do after a game, there has to be *something* inherently fun or interesting about the game for me to want to play it again. It's *not* inherently fun or interesting to me, though, and I don't care for the theme at all. I just didn't get into the game at all. Maybe it was partly because of the theme, though I found Ingenious and Qwirkle more engaging and interesting that this game, so it wasn't just the dry theme.
I think the best part of the game was when I got to say "I HAS A CORM"
After one game of Puerto Rico I saw that a collection of rules can work well together and be nothing more than a collection of rules. Add some peices and the ability to occasionally pull the rug out from under an opponent along with a name and box cover art that looks like a historical scene and you have the #2 ranked boardgame in existence. Dull, not at all historical, and condcive to a weird vibe that said to me the people I was playing with wanted to beat each other badly but didn't want to be up front about it.
It serves it's purpose to keep you warm enough to avoid freezing to death, but the entire experience stinks and barely does the job it's supposed to do. Not fun. Not mentally engaging. Passive aggressive tripe.