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Game Name
Year Published
Queen Games

Rooted in one of the most important periods of European history, the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648, Wallenstein focuses on the German princedoms, split into catholic and protestantic parties, each involved in religious and political conflicts. Players take on the roles of Gustav Adolf King of Sweden, Albrecht von Wallenstein, and other famous leaders of the era in their quest for power and prestige.

This reprint of Wallenstein includes two expansions: "Emperor's Court," in which a player's army tokens that fall from the dice tower at the start of the game become courtiers who compete for favors (special actions) from the emperor; a player can convert armies to courtiers during the game, and whoever has the most courtiers in the court's entrance hall each turn gets first shot at the favors available. "Landsknechte," which can be used with "Emperor's Court" or on its own, consists of a set of four cards for each player stacked in a particular order. If after determining turn order, a player controls counties in four different regions, he removes the top card from the stack, then takes one of the bonuses (such as money or armies in the tray) shown on the newly revealed card. This stack resets after winter ends.

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