Take to the high seas in search of plunder and fame!
As the Captain of your own pirate ship, explore dangerous islands, bury treasure, fight the Royal Navy, and brag about it all at the Tavern to your fellow buccaneers. At the end of your voyage, youll either be doing time in Davy Jones locker, or youll be the most feared reaver on the High Seas.
Pirates Cove is a fantastic family game that brings a mix of adventure and resource management to game nights. Every player can modify their ship as they visit the various islands, with each facet of the ship being important to overall game-play. Your basic goal is to attain the greatest fame over a number of turns that evokes a twelve-month period. By burying treasure, winning battles, and bragging about your feats in the Tavern, you attain greater and greater fame, but fame also draws greater threats to you from both other players and other famous pirates.