Two magicians shall appear in England. The first shall fear me, the second shall long to behold me.
After centuries of absence, magic has returned to England, but not all are using it for good...
Take on the role of an aspiring magician and start your journey down the path to greatness. Collect rare books, flit between social engagements, and impress your peers with feats of magic. Be careful to strike a balance between your studies and your status, for the gentleman with the thistle-down hair has plans of his own, and it will take all of your strength to stop him.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell has players compete to become the most acclaimed magician in 19th Century England, while also accumulating enough power to take on the mysterious gentleman with the thistledown hair. Players must balance social engagements, impressing peers with magical feats, collecting rare books, and developing their magical craft.