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Hako Onna

Hako Onna

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The scary men arrived. My father, in a panic, pushed me down into a way-too-small box. I heard my bones snap, but dared not scream. I heard angry voices…then nothing. Father never came back. I was left alone. That was a long time ago. I’m not alone anymore. Sometimes, people come play. I like to play hide and seek. When I tire of playing, I eat.

The Hit Japanese Game of Supernatural Horror, now in English for the First Time! Hako Onna is a game of horror hide-and-seek, translated from the 4th edition of the popular Japanese game. One player plays the “Hako Onna” (the Woman in the Box), and the rest are “Visitors”, who are trying to escape from the mansion. As Visitors, you’ll try not to make noise as you search the shadowy rooms of the mansion for items to protect yourself, for information, and for a way to escape what you do not see, but know is there. But if you stumble upon the Hako Onna, you’re dead.

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Vysetron's Avatar
Vysetron replied the topic: #292746 20 Feb 2019 13:22
Was talking about this one in particular with some friends recently. Zev going over to Wizkids has led to all kinds of awesome experimental stuff. Not all of them have been the best game ever, but they've at least had interesting ideas.
ubarose's Avatar
ubarose replied the topic: #292747 20 Feb 2019 13:28

Yes, when I saw this I immediately thought, this has Zev written all over it.