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Merchants of Muziris

Merchants of Muziris

Game Information

small box games

In the bustling markets of the ancient port city of Muziris you’ll try make your fortune. Gathering the most valuable produce to trade and barter with will not be easy as your competitors will attempt to thwart you through speed and cunning. If you can find a way to manage the different markets and vendors better than your opponents, you’ll do just fine!

Merchants of Muziris is a fast and fun game of set collection for 2-4 players. Each game you will randomly select one of the variable markets that will determine the end game condition, and different characters to populate the board depending on the number of players. These selections will change your decision points and alter your strategy from game to game. Great at all player counts, Merchants of Muziris is accessible and cleverly designed while easy to pick up and play.

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