Reviews written by Last Alchemist
2 results - showing 1 - 2
January 26, 2009
Board Games
The fun of rolling dice without killing something
Simple to play, and you can't master it. It's the dice game in the huge fucking box! The game is fun, and easy to expand just by buying more dice to add more players. IF you get the chance pick this one up, you probably won't regret it.
Last Alchemist
December 29, 2008
Board Games
All the fun of Risk without the downtime.
Come on, let's face it, the fun of risk was killing your friends while talking smack the entire game. Coming up with sayings like "He's a snake in the grass don't trust him!", or "Europe is just a pipe dream." The problem with regular Risk was the downtime (up to 45 minutes). This game gets rid of the problem while keeping the good stuff. Sure there isn't much strategy in the game, but it is still a hell of a lot of fun.
Australia is the new Europe for she is a fickle bitch!
Last Alchemist
2 results - showing 1 - 2