I haven't looked at too much beyond the components, which look over the top. But I'm definitely interested to hear what you think, assuming they send you one.
Yeah, you can lose arms and legs, there are spinning floor blades and pit traps, lootable containers on the board. It looks really wild, but probably more rules heavy and complex than it should be. I'm very interested to try it.
Like I said on Bluesky... this game looks so cool, it's a bummer that it is not a faster affair. They even have an RPG supplement for it; I just can't imagine people wanting to engage at that level.
Yeah, sorry. I saw the link when you first posted it and then promptly forgot to read it. I appreciate the fact that, despite it sounding like it completely malfunctions as an actual game, you made a point to cite many examples of how the experience can be fun. But, yeah, sounds like way too much development time among too few developers (aka tunnel vision.)