The kids are getting into Jackie Chan flicks. Re-watching these classics has put me in mind of all the great kung-fu/gun-fu/Hong Kong movies I watched in the 90s all the games of Feng Shui and Shadowrun RPG sessions played, all Street Fighter tourneys and general Asian influence that seemed to permeate my gaming in the 90s. Hell, I'm trying to go back and watch Donnie Yen movies I missed as the past decade and a half I've seen...maybe one or two martial arts flicks.
Anyway, we've also talked about how hard it is to play 'dead' CCGs. So...tying these together, it looks like several years ago there was a KS for a self contained, four deck Shadowfist boxset. Anyone play it? Is it sufficient enough to play a multiplayer CCG'style game without feeling like it's dead or sterile? Worth a look?
I am a huge fan of Shadowfist, but I haven't played in nearly a decade. Most of my local Shadowfist players also got into Jyhad, and Jyhad got fairly steady releases from 1999 through 2010, after White Wolf got the rights back from WotC. I cannot speak to the quality of the Combat in Kowloon set, but previous starter deck releases for the game would work just fine as a self-contained game. 10,000 Bullets is better for variety, giving you 8 different faction decks to play, but the quality of the decks are just good. The Year of the Dragon only offers five decks, but each of those decks was a great deck, and they came with double-sized (and therefore easier to read) rulebooks. If you're going to treat a dead CCG like a boardgame, it's very important that the decks are all balanced against each other and good quality, because players will be less likely to get frustrated and want to tune those decks.