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× Painting Minis, Print & Play and Other Creative Type Stuff.

What Minis Are You Painting?

04 Jun 2016 12:45 #228601 by Michael Barnes
Any of y'all have experience with the Army Painter color spray primers? I've got most of Betrayal at Calth built and it looks like those would be a great way to prime and basecoat them in bulk since they are two main colors. Dragon Red for the Word Bearers, Ultramarine Blue (duh) for the Ultramarines.

They are kind of expensive ($14 a piece), but it looks like a signifanct time/effort savings.

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05 Jun 2016 00:34 #228605 by SuperflyPete
I've used the system - it's really fast. Personally, I like Painters Touch 2x better but the Army Painter primers are still good stuff.

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05 Jun 2016 00:53 #228606 by Jarvis
Replied by Jarvis on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
I just got the latest Imperial Assault expansion (Bespin) and primed and will be starting on those.

I also painted the WWE Showdown figures lately. I used the GW Ardcoat to protect them, but I can't rid of the tacky touch sensation they have. I even tried putting them in a refrigerator for a few weeks to remove any humidity to no effect.

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05 Jun 2016 14:45 #228617 by drewcula
Barnes! I'm only using Army Painter stuff. The primer is pricey, but the pigment consistency is spot-on with their bottles. 'Time is money' as they say, and I'm a fan of being allowed corrections with the bottles. Super convenient, super fast. I have 12 different colors in the studio, and have sprayed though multiples of matt white, black, and anti-shine varnish. My only complaint: two cans over the years have had nozzles that quickly snap off.

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10 Jun 2016 16:29 #228822 by Michael Barnes
Painting updates...

I just primed most of the Betrayal At Calth SMs using Army Painter spray primers- Ultramarine Blue and Dragon Red. WOW. 20 of those little bastards and five Terminators are primed and base coated. In like 20 minutes. They look good too - if you weren't interested in painting them fully, I think it would be reasonable just to use this to make them red and blue. The red is a little gloppy and there's a few spots on the Word Bearer Vexilla I slopped up, but the blue is fantastic overall. A little black, a little red, a little gold and a little silver and these guys will be done. I didn't do the "hero" minis with the spray, I may just do them in white and then give them more intensive attention.

Reaper paints, ugh. I hate to say it, but Citadel does seem like the best right now. Back 10 years ago when I had my last painting go-round, it was all about Vallejo. The Citadel stuff just works better. I haven't tried P3 yet.

Some pics...the first one is an Ice Spider my son did. He did it all by himself (after much "I can't do this!). I thought I had a picture of the zebra unicorn my daughter did, but I don't and she's lost the figure. Second is a Feral Troll from D&DAS. I think he turned out pretty good, ironically I spent less time on him than just about anything else I've done. The Reikland Fleshshade did really well on him, I never really used inks/shades so I'm getting used to using them. Sort of tricky. The rest are from Imperial Assault. Stormtroopers, I have no idea what to do with them. I've tried a couple of things and they just wind up looking murky. Luke is not looking so hot either. All of these need some clean up (god, the bases) but I feel like I'm making at least a little progress. My goal is to be taking commissions to paint F:ATties' miniatures by this time next year.

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10 Jun 2016 16:35 #228824 by charlest
One thing that would help give a huge boost with little work - hit the the entire mini with a wash like Devlan Mud or whatever they replaced it with. That's basically dipping, just washing the entire figure but it makes it look 100 times better. It cover up mistakes and makes the detail work really pop.

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10 Jun 2016 16:47 #228827 by Michael Barnes
Ya, I have the Nuln Oil which is what GW says to use on them. Kind of scared of it because it botched the Stormtroopers, but I think it will work much better on the SMs.

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10 Jun 2016 16:54 - 10 Jun 2016 16:55 #228828 by charlest
Looking at your pictures, C3PO and IG-88 would hugely benefit from it.

By botching the Stormtroopers do you mean it made them look too messy?

With a mini that's very clean and bright (like Stormtrooper armor) the best approach is to base coat them, hit them with the generic wash, and then go back over them painting the original base coat color in on most of the surfaces. Just keep the brush/paint away from the edge/joints/folds. For best results do this for all figures as it provides a natural highlight (base paint, wash, highlight with base paint on raised areas).

If you hit C3PO with the Nuln Oil you'd need to do this so he still looks bright on the majority of his features.

That's the only way I paint now really and it works for pretty much everything.
Last edit: 10 Jun 2016 16:55 by charlest.

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10 Jun 2016 20:03 #228834 by wadenels
Your kid did a good job on the spider. I kind of like it the best of the bunch. Did he take the design/color off of something or come up with it himself? I'm really digging it.

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12 Jun 2016 20:15 - 12 Jun 2016 20:19 #228869 by Sevej
Replied by Sevej on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
Yea, wash' em and hit them back with the base colors. Back when I painted my friends' storm troopers we did the same. Sloppy white drybrush over black primer, wash, and then more white. Some minis are just very quick to paint and look good. The Imperial Guards are one of those. Hit with red, wash, and red again.

If you're really afraid messing them up, just use selective wash on the crevices.

I'm painting the Runewars heroes, just the base game. I've painted everything else in the box, and by far they are the worst things in the box. The minis are just bad. The artwork style actually doesn't help at all. The colors are boring (mostly reeeeeds). The orcs have several different hues, but they are so non-saturated it's difficult to decide the colors. And then the minis and the artworks have difference. Like one having shoulder pads and the other's not. Well, I just slap colors over them and be done with it. My Runewars base game is 99% complete now. Just need to finish the base on neutral and heroes (grey base with white lips).

BTW, for paints, I currently use Army Painter. They're on dropper bottles, nice bright colors, and finally they dont have a dozen shade of green (bright, normal, dark, army and puke). They're just easy to use. I still use GW base paints for difficult colors though (white and yellow). In fact the whole range is just like less than 40 colors... then they also have the 100% match guarantee thingy although this is useless for me since I cant buy aerosols from overseas by myself. Them being cheap is just an added bonus.

Last edit: 12 Jun 2016 20:19 by Sevej.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frohike

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13 Jun 2016 10:37 #228881 by SuperflyPete
I use a mix of Vallejo Game and Model color and a few Reapers. I will never stop using Vallejo - it is the best IMO. I literally have 150 of their colors anyhow, so it's not like I can just quit now LOL

One note: Look up ModelMates. They make these washes -oil, rust, grime...the best shit in the world. Like, literally, no comparable product exists.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Frohike

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13 Jun 2016 18:52 - 13 Jun 2016 18:53 #228906 by Brewmiester
My washes of choice are Winsor & Newton Drawing Inks. Great selection of colors and work really well as washes. Not cheap but most art supply shops carry them so you can catch the occasional sale coupon.

Winsor & Newton Drawing inks
Last edit: 13 Jun 2016 18:53 by Brewmiester.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frohike, Hadik

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06 Jul 2016 09:38 #229746 by Mr. White
Came home from work yesterday to find that my daughter had been meticulously working on minis for daddy. She wanted me to have some new blood bowl minis and is excited for me to paint and play with them.

Guess my DB and BB projects are on hold for a minute.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Barnes, metalface13, Jarvis, Gary Sax, Columbob, Brewmiester, hotseatgames, fastbilly1, JEM

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06 Jul 2016 11:16 #229753 by metalface13

Mr. White wrote: Came home from work yesterday to find that my daughter had been meticulously working on minis for daddy. She wanted me to have some new blood bowl minis and is excited for me to paint and play with them.

Guess my DB and BB projects are on hold for a minute.

That's love right there.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. White, hotseatgames

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06 Jul 2016 21:49 - 06 Jul 2016 21:51 #229783 by Mr. White
Funny thing about the timing is I had just tweaked my Ada Lorna Dreadball team to be of interest to the kids. This is going to be their team until I get the Sirens. Then my boy will get these and my daughter the Sirens. They haven't seen these models yet.

Last edit: 06 Jul 2016 21:51 by Mr. White.

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