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Re: What BOARD GAME(s) have you been playing?
- Disgustipater
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We faced 4 IG-88 Aggressors with standard load outs. They focused everything they had at Chewy, and did significant damage. They also all rammed into each other and Chewy in an effort to take him down. This hampered their movement and allowed my ships to hammer on one of the Aggressors and take it out.
Chewbacca managed to get out of the clusterfuck in the middle with one hull point remaining. They flipped around and fired, but the dice decided to bless Chewbacca and they all missed. We followed that up by taking out a second Aggressor.
Chewy went down the next round, but the Aggressors were just getting hammered by my two fresh freighters and the Y-Wing without doing any damage in return, so our opponent capitulated.
This is the second time I ran dual 2400s (with one borrowed) and I really like it. I decided to order a second one.
After X-Wing we played XCOM with 4 players. I was the Squad Leader. Last time I played the commander and scientist, so now I've gotten to play most of the roles. We played a non-tutorial mission and managed to win. We got some really great techs which really helped mitigate problems. The game is fun enough and I'd definitely play it again, but I wont be requesting it.
I borrowed Elder Sign from a friend to see if it was something my wife would enjoy as a two player game. I've played it multiple times before but it never interested me enough to purchase it. She enjoyed it, so I'll be picking it up. I'm curious about the expansions. I was going to wait and just play the base game until we felt we wanted more variety, but is Unseen Forces considered must buy, or does it just add more cards to the decks? I know the Gates expansion basically replaces the deck, so that is definitely a purchase for farther down the road.
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Runewars on the table now.
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- Erik Twice
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Still, I think they'll want to give it another go, I just didn't expect it so be so nasty! Part of the reason is the extremely limited tileset, I was used to playing it with an expansion that adds lots of tiles and without it...yeah, you suffer a lot more.
We also played Citadels; I'm awful at Citadels. I think I approach the game thinking "What's the best role I can get without getting caught?" which just leads me to getting hit by crossfire when I should be thinking "How can I play so that most roles are useful to me?".
I was also surprised by being affected by luck, which I didn't think was possible in Citadels: I kept drawing lots of copies of the same card. I think I should have exchanged my hand with the Wizard instead of discarding and drawing.
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Got in a second play of Cyclades: Titans. I will not play the full expansion in the future. This is the second time now where the game ended after about an hour and two metropolises were built in a 4 player game. Both times the winner had the artifact that lets you fly and amassed a stack of Titans and just swooped on the board to trigger the end game. I saw it coming but the entire table couldn't prevent it from happening. It felt too unbalanced of a strategy and really made most of the table unhappy. Next time I play the game I'm removing either the artifacts or the Titans, probably the artifacts. I like more movement in the Titans but combining that with flying is just too much.
Tried Warriors of God recently too. Unfortunately my opponent hates dice games and this one was just too random for him. Losing leaders after every round to a die roll was more than he could handle. I like the game still but now I need another opponent. I liked the area control aspect and the focus on controlling territories with weak leaders that are naturally aligned in certain regions, and using good leaders to fight battles.
Also played most of a game of Julius Caesar. My second play and against a new-to-wargaming opponent. Again my opponent was not a fan of this one either and wanted more movement options per turn and more complexity. I don't share that criticism of the game and enjoy it for a lighter wargame with a fun map. Next time I'm making him learn either Hannibal RvC or Twilight Struggle since the complaint was the game was too easy to learn...
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Disgustipater wrote: I was going to wait and just play the base game until we felt we wanted more variety, but is Unseen Forces considered must buy, or does it just add more cards to the decks? I know the Gates expansion basically replaces the deck, so that is definitely a purchase for farther down the road.
Unseen Forces isn't a must buy but it's a pretty good "fixer" type expansion. It adds some cards and stuff, but it makes some other small tweaks that add to the experience. Blessings and Curses are good, the revised Museum Entrance is good, etc. It isn't stomping around in "run out and buy it, you unwashed heathen" territory; it's more like Elder Sign v1.1. If you still dig Elder Sign after a half-dozen or so plays then Unseen Forces will probably be a good buy.
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I spent Saturday night at my bro's place talking about Imperial Assault and playing Luchador... loved it! We had a great time with the game and although I know several people who would hate it we were having a wonderful night. So glad I bought it.
I do think a third rope around the ring would improve the game... a little bit more of a dex element would be awesome and I think I may get an elastic and put it between the bottom rope and the mat just to see how it works. Still, it's awesome as is anyway. I am very tempted to tweak it and see if there isn't some way to add extra choices to the game... it may not need it but I think it would be fun to tinker with because the design feels reasonably robust.
So thanks to all the people singing this games praises around here, my brother and I had a great time and we owe it to you freaks.
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I remember seeing that you couldn't use a Pegasus to move the Titans, maybe that extends to that artifact too?Scott_F wrote: Got in a second play of Cyclades: Titans. I will not play the full expansion in the future. This is the second time now where the game ended after about an hour and two metropolises were built in a 4 player game. Both times the winner had the artifact that lets you fly and amassed a stack of Titans and just swooped on the board to trigger the end game. I saw it coming but the entire table couldn't prevent it from happening. It felt too unbalanced of a strategy and really made most of the table unhappy. Next time I play the game I'm removing either the artifacts or the Titans, probably the artifacts. I like more movement in the Titans but combining that with flying is just too much.
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Played a vs game of OCS Reluctant Enemies over an afternoon (short scenario). Was pretty mint but indecisive. I really enjoy OCS but having played RE three times I am beginning to cracks in it. The French have forces effectively as strong as the Commonwealth invaders just less supply. If they employ a retreating set of lines strategy holding the rough and high ground they can reduce the game down to how well the commonwealth player rolls as it becomes a rather attritional slug fest after the first act.
Also played some more Alchemists, Catan with seafarers ( a first for me, and improvement over the base game a little imo) and some Red 7.
The following day I got dragged into a game of Risk that I had no interest in. 3 players and I had to take over from one half way through. One of the guys really loves risk and thinks its great, so i decided to be a dick and just hammer him out the game for 3 turns then concede. 3 player war games generally speaking do not work, and i felt if i demonstrated why I wouldn't be asked to play again.
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- Cranberries
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Every time I read the Sierra Madre games Facebook page, he is frothing off on race or global climate change in ways that are getting a little uncomfortable.
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craniac wrote: I was psyching myself up to finally play my copy of Greenland, then they announced a 2nd edition with revised rules, all new art and new cards that make it compatible with their Caveman edition of the game. Grrr.
Every time I read the Sierra Madre games Facebook page, he is frothing off on race or global climate change in ways that are getting a little uncomfortable.
This is the dual edged sword that is Sierra Madre games. They're so isolated and independent that they create these brilliant games that come from left-field. But, the other side of being so isolated is that their games need wider play-testing and independent graphical design. They haven't in the past recognized their strengths and their weaknesses. I'm actually excited about their new collaborations and outsourcing of artwork and graphics. It can only improve these great games. My wallet will likely take a beating with these new editions.
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Lord of the Rings (Knizia) - I'll post more about it in the other thread, but all three of us playing totally fucking loved this.
Word of Warcraft: The Adventure Game - This game got a really bad rap back when it came out which is a damn shame. The game is a nice mixture of Runebound and Talisman and it makes for a compelling stew. The game suffers for using shitty CG artwork on all of the enemies, but I suppose that was necessary for the license. The game is fun because the point is to complete quests and not just level up. So you always have something to do AND a sense of urgency. Another great aspect is that the game doesn't shy away from PvP action. The discover tokens offer ways to screw with players and many quests encourage fighting. In our game the Orc Warrior dominated. He is a very strong character and will advance quickly if you're not careful. I really like playing this one and I was glad my friends wanted to dive in. Fans of fantasy adventure games should track this down.
Aladdin's Dragons - This long lost RGG euro game was another big hit. If you don't like blind bidding then stay the fuck away from this game. I happen to love how each round is a tense game of bluffing and doublethink. You need to acquire treasures but if you waste all your resources there, you'll miss out on other good stuff. I love that the victory points (artifacts) grant you special powers. When you couple that with magic cards you can acquire and cast things can get very chaotic. There are usually ways to deal with the chaos though. For example one of the artifacts you can acquire is a counterspell. If you're afraid of being dicked over from a magic spell or two...make it your goal to acquire the dispell artifact. The game's theme comes through nicely and again I love the fuckery that goes on from round to round. The artwork and board is gorgeous and for a Euro the game has plenty of teeth. This is straight out of Barnes' ERP and something he would probably love. I'm pretty fond of it and will try to get it to the table much more often.
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