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What COMIC BOOKS have you been reading?

15 Nov 2015 10:37 #215061 by jeb
Read THE FLASH (New 52) Volumes 1 & 2, got them at the library.

It's incoherent garbage. About as bad a comic as I have read in the last 20 years. Just a jumbled bunch of nonsense thrown at the reader without a lot of rhyme or reason. The artists are talented, things look cool, but the story is hollow and the characters unlikeable and dimensional in the extreme. Is this a post-post-modern joke of some sort? I feel like I am being played.

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30 Nov 2015 21:48 #216222 by QPCloudy
Let's see, for the psat year I've gotten really into Deadpool (PRE MOVIE ANNOUNCEMENT! I liked Deadpool before Deadpool was cool!), so I get everything new that comes out with him in it. I'm not even trying to get back issues.

There's also: Guardians of the Galaxy (all new), Carnage (all new), and I am going to pick up the first issues of Venom (all new), and Spidey (which starts this Wednesday).

I have a friend from the job I just left who we went to the comic store every Wednesday for our lunch break. Good times,

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30 Nov 2015 22:05 #216223 by Shellhead
I just read Black Science, volume 1, by Rick Remender. It's good.

Although I have been hearing his name for a few years now, this was my first time reading anything by Remender. It was rough going at first, opening en medias res. The story is about dimensional travelers trying to get back home after their travel device has been sabotaged, and the opening scene gradually covers the basics while the protagonist is racing through an alien environment while pursued by hostile locals. The action is fast-paced, the dialogue conveys considerable information without resorting to exposition, and everything seems very chaotic. Then everything abruptly became crystal clear, and then there were more shocking revelations. The pencils by Italian artist Matteo Scalera are very nice, with a distinctive flair, and then the colorization really takes it all over the top in a good way.

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30 Nov 2015 23:18 - 30 Nov 2015 23:29 #216225 by Cranberries
Barnes and others wrote me long emails with a bunch of comic recommendations, including this weird, self referential Grant Morrison comic. I feel like a senior citizen because I can't find it.

Update: Google was able to retrieve the now two-year-old thread:
Last edit: 30 Nov 2015 23:29 by Cranberries.

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06 Mar 2016 15:38 - 06 Mar 2016 15:39 #223866 by Josh Look
Confession time.

Despite being a renowned comic book fan, I had never read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing beyond the first volume...until now.

I am now into volume 3 and I can't describe how this book is enriching my life at the moment. I've fallen pretty hard out of superhero books, even those to feature my spiritual guide, Batman. While I would never call Swamp Thing a superhero book, it's the closest thing to one that I've read in a long while. It's been like a constant feeling of, "Oh yeah, that's right, that's why I like this stuff." It's been like rediscovering something about yourself that you'd thought you'd lost.

So like I said, I'm now into the third volume, the second was incredible. The "Arcane trilogy" as Neil Gaiman refers to it in the introduction was the finest piece of horror writing I've ever seen in a comic, and one the best pieces of horror I've seen anywhere. "Pog" was also really great, and I like how something that could have easily said, "Shame on you for eating meat" turned into, "Yup, that's just how nature goes." I'd been aware of the hype behind the last issue in there, the quasi-sexual experience shared between Swamp Thing and Abby, and while I thought it was remarkably well done for something that really shouldn't have worked at all, the bar was already set really high by the stories that came before it.

I kept dreading the possibility of a dated feeling give-hoot-don't-pollute story, and there it is, "The Nukeface Papers." I just finished the first issue of that arc and while it seems pretty heavy handed so far, it still way better than I would have expected. I guess I might hit a point where I'm not surprised, given that these stories were written by The Grand Master himself, but I'm not there yet. Early verdict is that these might be my new favorite comics.
Last edit: 06 Mar 2016 15:39 by Josh Look.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ChristopherMD, Cranberries, Dutch, scrumpyjack, Gregarius

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07 Mar 2016 14:34 #223942 by Jason Lutes
Steve Bissette and I co-teach a class up here in Vermont, and it's always fun when he brings in pages from that run to talk about his penciling and inking technique. The kids in the classroom usually have NO IDEA what they're looking at.

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07 Mar 2016 15:13 #223945 by Shellhead
Don't stop reading Swamp Thing after the Moore run ends. Rick Veitch joined the art team with issue #37 (the first appearance of John Constantine), and actually took over as writer after Moore left the book. He kept Swamp Thing great for another two years, until DC editors yanked issue #88 to avoid potential controversy over the appearance of Jesus Christ as a character in that issue. Since then, there have been a scattered few good issues of Swamp Thing, but it was never again as consistently good as during the Moore/Veitch era.

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07 Mar 2016 15:49 #223952 by Dutch
Glad you hear you're digging those Moore Swamp Things, Josh. They're among the best comics ever written. Been a while since I revisited them... might be time!

Also, regarding the controversy when Vietch left the book, it wasn't just an incongruous appearance of Jesus in a mainstream comic book that alarmed the editors, it was seeing Jesus crucified directly upon a cross made of Swamp Thing (because, y'know, the cross was made of wood, and wood is a plant). They figured that out-of-context image might get some bad press.

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08 Mar 2016 12:35 #224005 by metalface13

Jason Lutes wrote: Steve Bissette and I co-teach a class up here in Vermont, and it's always fun when he brings in pages from that run to talk about his penciling and inking technique. The kids in the classroom usually have NO IDEA what they're looking at.

Are you in Vermont now? I thought you were teaching in Oregon?

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08 Mar 2016 13:55 #224008 by Shellhead
The first two volumes of Sex Criminals were good. The central concept is very wacky: certain individuals cause time to stop whenever they orgasm. The protagonists are a young couple who discover that they both have this power, and go on a crime spree to raise money for a good cause. Matt Fraction is at the top of his writing game here, and while I've never heard of Chip Zdarsky before, I really enjoyed his art. The main characters have considerable depth and charm, enough that I would be happy to read about them even in a more mundane story.

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10 Mar 2016 09:59 #224095 by Cranberries

metalface13 wrote:

Jason Lutes wrote: Steve Bissette and I co-teach a class up here in Vermont, and it's always fun when he brings in pages from that run to talk about his penciling and inking technique. The kids in the classroom usually have NO IDEA what they're looking at.

Are you in Vermont now? I thought you were teaching in Oregon?

I came here to post that I just read a Cold War graphic novel called "The Coldest City" which apparently is becoming a movie, and takes place in East Germany. Then I Google stalked Jason Lutes and he has an entire series based on Weimar-Republic Germany called Berlin. Wow!

I also read the first book in the Mind MGMT series, which was pretty good.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jason Lutes

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18 Mar 2016 16:08 - 18 Mar 2016 16:10 #224581 by Tim Champlin
I had been planning on reading the Atomic Robo series for the last couple of years having heard great things about it. I ordered the Everything Explodes collection, which collects the first 3 trades into one book and is published by IDW (fantastic deal as you're getting the quantity of 3 trades for under $30.) Anyways, I'm about 2/3 through it and have really fallen in love with it. It's like Hellboy and Indiana Jones but with a robot. Pretty much anytime there's Nazis as bad guys and some kind of sci-fi or supernatural theme I'm already sold. This is really fun stuf. I'm excited to read the rest of it when I get the chance to pick it up. I've spent the majority of my life wishing I was a mutant and a member of the X-Men. Now I want to be an Action Scientist.
Last edit: 18 Mar 2016 16:10 by Tim Champlin.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries

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18 Mar 2016 16:24 #224584 by hotseatgames
I bought Deadpool Classic vol 1, since I was curious if the comics were any good after having seen the movie. Did you know Deadpool was co-created by Rob Leifeld? He handles the "art" in the first part of the book. A part that is thankfully brief.

After that you get art from Joe Madureira (I might have gotten that right), who is pretty awesome.

As for the book itself... it's pretty standard stuff. It has that awful comics writing style in which every character references every other character by name, all the time, since they know people have no idea who they are talking about.

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18 Mar 2016 16:33 #224586 by Shellhead
Re-reading the Gerry Conway run on Amazing Spider-man, thanks to the Marvel Essentials series. Two major developments during this run: the death of Gwen Stacy and the introduction of the Punisher. I had forgotten that John Romita was the penciler during the early part of this run, with his super-clean interpretation of the original Ditko style. This was also the final stretch of what I like to call the Archie era of Spider-man, when Peter Parker had two hot babes competing for his attention. Then Gil Kane takes over just in time for the deaths* of Gwen Stacy and the Green Goblin, delivering more dramatic poses and facial expressions. As always, my favorite issue from this period is actually just after the big Gwen/Goblin two-party, when JJJ hires Luke Cage to go after Spider-man. Marvel of this era often featured fights between two heroes, but this one is particularly violent and yet has a humorous ending. Looking forward to the upcoming Punisher appearances, despite the dreaded Ross Andru pencils.

*As if anybody in the Marvel Universe ever stays dead.

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18 Mar 2016 17:00 #224589 by Jason Lutes

metalface13 wrote:

Jason Lutes wrote: Steve Bissette and I co-teach a class up here in Vermont, and it's always fun when he brings in pages from that run to talk about his penciling and inking technique. The kids in the classroom usually have NO IDEA what they're looking at.

Are you in Vermont now? I thought you were teaching in Oregon?

Been in Vermont for... 8 years now. I was in Seattle before that.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries

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