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25 Feb 2019 16:56 - 25 Feb 2019 16:57 #293024 by southernman

southernman wrote: Well, at the risk of incurring a horrendous amount of mockery from Mikey Barnes, I will state that I have just bought Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - the, pretty sure, first GW product that I have bought since Blockmania in the early 2000s.
I needed a shorter 2-player game (that could be expandein numbers if necessary) to fill in a gap on my normal games Sunday when half the group disappear for their new rpg group and this seemed to both have good reviews (as a skirmish game) and was a good price.
Obviously painting won't happen, as I'm not a minis gamer and my mates have too much of their own shit to paint, and I only bought it as the minis are now (well they better be) click-assembled rather than glued. It does sound like a very fun skirmish board game though so may be a good buy for the year.

Well, after procrastinating and doing it over three afternoons (over a couple of weeks) I finally snipped, cut and snapped the figures together - I did mention I wasn't a modeller ? - and we had a quick game in the weekend. It is a very clever game and fun ti play, being the type of boardgamer I am I do find it finishes a bit too quickly but no fans in the forums talks about it so obviously just non-GW me. Unfortunately I don't learn from my history and got a copy of Shadespire in a BGG Math Trade that comes with three additional squad packs with only two of the five squads assembled (fuck I'm a dick) - my current plan is that the three guys I regularly board game with, who are all long time Warhammer players, will show up and each get given a deck to take home to build and a squad to assemble ... not sure that's going to work though.
But just to give Mr M Barnes some more entertainment (because he needs a laugh now and then during these current times ;) ) , I do think it is a very well designed (well, they have a few decades of product to build on) product and is a good draw for both boardgamers and deckbuilders.
Last edit: 25 Feb 2019 16:57 by southernman.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Barnes, themothman421

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25 Feb 2019 20:00 #293027 by Sevej
Have I posted this?

I kinda forgot to post this, but here's my Vanguard Veterans that I finished two weeks ago. I started them two years ago! Somehow stopped, and now it's done. Took a pick with the rest of the jump pack-ers.

Imperator Paladins Assault Wing!

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Barnes, Brewmiester, SaMoKo, GorillaGrody

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27 Feb 2019 09:23 - 27 Feb 2019 09:24 #293101 by blatz
Started playing Underworlds again after a long time away from it. Forgot how good it was. With the rumors of the war bands being usable in the new Warcry skirmish thing coming out, I’ve been inspired to start painting everything up.

Last edit: 27 Feb 2019 09:24 by blatz.

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27 Feb 2019 17:51 #293142 by Michael Barnes
Those look lovely! The orange bases are a great touch!

I’m still titaning it up...Gryphonicus Warhounds. Starting to mess around with precision masking tape to do patterns. Hoping to have everything in the collection done by mid-April.

New Underworlds boards are up for preorder, they look good.

Got the Ambull but haven’t done anything with it yet. Neat kit, good bit of expansion stuff really. Still overpriced at $51 street- should be more around $35.
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01 Mar 2019 16:54 #293276 by Michael Barnes
Hitting Shadespire/Nightvault/whatever it is we are supposed to call it pretty hard. Every time I put it up for a little while and come back to it I get blown away by it again. I have everything for it, but I had not really played with the last 4 war bands too much yet.

All of them are awesome. Zarbag’s Gitz are The Night Goblins, fun and silly- they’ve got a dude that haphazardly rockets around the board with a giant ball and chain. There’s a net dude. An objective called “We’ll Call That a Win” that gives you points for having five of their fragile asses on the board at the end.And Squigs.

Eyes of the Nine are indeed very Tzeentch-y- lots of magic, Blue/Brimstone Horror shenanigans, and a neat objective that rewards you for having one acolyte but not the other on the board (“you’ll serve better as an offering than as an agent!”).

Mollog’s Mob is really cool, very different play style. They have one big, super powerful monster and then three oddball little guys- a go-anywhere Bat Squig, an exploding Spiteshroom bomb, and a squig stalagmite that you can place anywhere, but it doesn’t move until it’s powered up. This faction gets inspired when there are at least three wounds on ANY of their cards.

The Godsworn Hunt are the Darkoath barbarians. A good sorceress with a javelin lady, a couple of two-handed brutes, an archer, and a dog. They have some great “wager” objectives- if you show them at the beginning of the round, you get an extra VP if you achieve it. They are kind of squishy, but they are a very mobile group that inspire when they are upgraded.

Really looking forward to the Kharadron and Sylvaneth...and REALLY hope Warcry lets you use these Warbands.

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01 Mar 2019 20:21 #293290 by Robert Facepalmer

Michael Barnes wrote: This faction gets inspired when there are at least three wounds on ANY of their cards.

Only Mollog's card.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Barnes, Gary Sax

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03 Mar 2019 12:52 #293349 by GorillaGrody
Work in progress.

Mostly, I think of magnetization as a big pain in the ass, but this wasn't so bad.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Barnes, allismom3, Brewmiester, Hadik

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03 Mar 2019 13:15 #293351 by Michael Barnes
I think I speak for everyone here- that’s fucking nuts.
The following user(s) said Thank You: allismom3, GorillaGrody

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03 Mar 2019 23:24 #293364 by Da Bid Dabid
Working on a ton of different miniature stuff right now. But GW related is that I've promised to only play with totally painted models. My 500 point force is closing on being finished. Here is some freehand that I was pretty happy with on my first tank.

Note I also wanted to highlight the pros of the just paint "whatever" method I use.

I tried to paint a skull with a helmet, which ended up looking OK but kinda funky.

So I wanted to make it look better and it was way easier to do because I just had thrown something out there the first time, I had a nice base that didn't take very long to change. Quickly looked at some reference instead of using my non-artist brain and the redo I'm really happy with. So just TRY stuff! You can always just paint more or paint over it!

The following user(s) said Thank You: Hadik

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04 Mar 2019 07:38 #293368 by Hadik
Looks great. Free hand is something I’m trying to get better at... good encouragement!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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04 Mar 2019 10:51 #293387 by Matt Thrower

Michael Barnes wrote: Really looking forward to the Kharadron and Sylvaneth...and REALLY hope Warcry lets you use these Warbands.

Most of the warbands don't interest me. I just want Nurgle and Lizardmen and I'll keep complaining about it everywhere until I get them.

Do you have any idea what WarCry is? No-one really seems to be sure. I've heard rumours it's going to be a resurrection of Mordheim which makes me wish really hard they'd put their current sculpt skills and technology to some old-fashioned figures. But that's a pipe-dream, it'll be more Age of Sigmar garbage.

Sigmarines are so tedious. Would love to see some classic human knights, mercenaries and freebooters.

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04 Mar 2019 11:09 #293388 by Michael Barnes
I’m about 99.99 percent sure Warcry is Kill Team for AOS, with a similar product line (faction starters with a unit and terrain, environment boxes with a board and terrain). I am 100 percent for this. I would not be surprised if the starter box launches a new modular and possibly Mordheimy terrain line.

Pretty sure we will see a Nurgle warband in the next “season” of Underworlds. I’m expecting it to be like Eyes of the Nine, so a mix of Daemon and mortal. I can see the leader as a Herald or Lord of Plagues, maybe a Blightking or two, a couple of Plaguebearers, and of course some Nurglings.

Freeguild is definitely possible, especially with Battletome rumors circulating.

Seraphon, I dunno. They were one of the very first AOS Battletomes, and they have one of the oldest lines. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t get the Tomb Kings treatment. An Underworlds entry would mean all new Seraphon sculpts, which would be significant.

I think a Flesheater Courts warband is almost certain. And wouldn’t be surprised to see a second Skaven group.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Matt Thrower

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05 Mar 2019 03:48 #293403 by Jazzbeaux

Michael Barnes wrote: Pretty sure we will see a Nurgle warband in the next “season” of Underworlds. I’m expecting it to be like Eyes of the Nine, so a mix of Daemon and mortal. I can see the leader as a Herald or Lord of Plagues, maybe a Blightking or two, a couple of Plaguebearers, and of course some Nurglings.

I also think there will be a Nurgle warband soon, perhaps with a Sorcerer as the AoS line needs a plastic one to replace the finecast one. Maybe the classic two brothers thing - one wizard, one warrior then a host of nurglings?

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11 Mar 2019 05:30 - 11 Mar 2019 05:31 #293633 by Matt Thrower
So that's my Sepulchural Guard pretty much done. Not the best paint jobs but they'll do. Partly that's the fault of my digging out an old can of spray primer that had gone off: it came out thick and blotted out a bunch of detail. Which is a shame but there you go.

Got two whole painted warbands now so I can play all painted games.

Going to do Magore's Fiends next. Plan to try and all-iron look with the decorations picked out in transparent red. It might not work out so I'll do one shoulder first and see what everyone thinks.

Last edit: 11 Mar 2019 05:31 by Matt Thrower.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackwraith, Hadik

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11 Mar 2019 15:57 #293673 by Matt Thrower
So here's a quick messy test of the metallic red I had planned for Magore. Be interested in feedback.

Is it rubbish? Would it look better reversed (I.e. what's now silver red & vice versa)?

Or should I go with red and gold, or red and gold reversed? I kind if wanted to get away from the scheme everyone uses but I guess the metallic red does that a bit anyway?


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