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Games Workshop--what are you buying, selling, playing, or painting?

02 Feb 2019 00:02 - 02 Feb 2019 00:03 #291338 by Michael Barnes
Yes, Boyz and Lootas is definitely viable...but like in 40k, Boyz are better in melee than shooting. Proxyinf Nobs (and Kommandos) is easy and common.

Gretchen are...terrible. But they are fun, and they can be surprisingly annoying.
Last edit: 02 Feb 2019 00:03 by Michael Barnes.

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02 Feb 2019 07:11 #291343 by Sevej
I'll suggest getting the Nobz, just becasue they are fun kit to work with.

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02 Feb 2019 08:56 #291344 by SaMoKo
Without Gretchin, my Boyz will have nobody to boss around and be terribly unhappy

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02 Feb 2019 11:19 #291349 by SaMoKo
Managed to snag a Sector Fronteiris box, which should really help bring the game to life. And a Kill Team box set to go with it, which was a great deal to start on Plague Chaos and Blue Marines

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02 Feb 2019 11:30 #291350 by Michael Barnes
Is it the Know No Fear set? That is in fact a great way to start those teams.

Sector Fronteris looks good- simple but effective. That big building in it isn’t available elsewhere.

Munitorium is probably my favorite- I really like using the containers, the barrels, the Servohaulers. Mechanicus is fun and adds some vertical action. Gotta get that new drill thing, it’s amazing.

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02 Feb 2019 11:46 #291353 by SaMoKo
Yeah, the terrain is kickass and I love the desert theme as a huge Dune fan. They had a forest terrain box available, but I didn’t like that one as much.

The Know no fear set it is! And definitely the best bang for buck set I saw there.

Looking forward to this!

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02 Feb 2019 12:28 #291359 by Michael Barnes
Deathworld Forest is actually really cool- it had living plants and stuff. The terrain pieces are super cruddy though. But listen, you put a Catachan team in that Kill Zone up against Genestealers- it is fucking SOLID GOLD. There is a Munitorium mission that is basically Aliens that you can just play on DWF. The two starters that went with that were Drukhari and Deathwatch.

Whatever you do, if you play Death Guard...Flail of Corruption. That thing is wicked.
The following user(s) said Thank You: SaMoKo

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02 Feb 2019 14:27 #291365 by SaMoKo
Do the starters have missions that combine with the terrain set? I figured I wouldn’t need the two new army modules as I already have the terrain pack. The way they sell the game is odd, I’d rather them just sell the rules and scenarios separate from the models to make the game as modular as possible.

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02 Feb 2019 14:49 #291366 by themothman421
Shit you guys are lucky you can even find stuff like terrain in your local stores. Mine have either been picked clean or never stocked to begin with. Granted they are not the official Warhammer stores or anything, but still. The spotty availability of all this stuff kind of pisses me off.

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02 Feb 2019 18:28 #291376 by Michael Barnes
Yeah, they come with two missions each. The Kill Zones have a few more. I am drowning in missions, to be honest! Most of them are good that I’ve played though.

I didn’t realize that getting some of this stuff was a THING. I’ve just preordered from a couple of different eBay vendors I frequent (Bitsboyz, Flipside, Trader Legion, Champion Cards) and have had no problem getting any of it until the Fronteris set was limited. Some of the Kill Zone boxes are selling for $150-$200. Thing is, the terrain is almost all available elsewhere and the models are all repacks. But the Deathworld Forest set was like half the price of the kit they had before. And you can get a $45 set of Servohaulers in the Ork box...for about $45 with the Burna/Loota kit and all of the Kill Zone material. The team boxes all also have the Tactics cards for their factions, which is REALLY nice to have, as well as tokens for them. So there is a lot of added value in them. Also, it is actually really nice that the starter models are molded in colors- much easier to play with out of the box without having a dreadful “gray team versus gray team” match up. And it’s actually feasible to not paint them if you just don’t want to.

I really like the way they have packaged the game- it’s nice to get a kit that has everything you need to start a team and some terrain pieces. The commanders and Arena add-ons are truly optional, as is what Rogue Trader offers. It is really a flexible, “pay what you want” kind of system.

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02 Feb 2019 18:29 #291377 by Michael Barnes
And another thing...I think the big game boards are one of the best things GW has done in terms of terrain. Easy, portable, and inexpensive.

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02 Feb 2019 20:33 #291380 by SaMoKo
Welp, time to start watching some YouTube videos on how to paint and assemble this stuff lol.

I’m thinking spray paint will be best for the terrain, with some details painted on.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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02 Feb 2019 21:15 #291382 by Michael Barnes
The thing about terrain is that you don’t really have to get fancy with it. You can paint all of the details and lose your mind, or you can be selective, choosing standout detail that gives the piece a little variety- like some of the metal fans, pipes, and vents on that Fronteris stuff.

The minimal effort approach would be to spray the pieces gray (Mechanicus Standard Gray or a similar cheaper spray, then dry brush liberally with a lighter gray (Dawnstone for example). Then a lighter dry brush of a still lighter gray (Administratum Gray). You can stop there or hit it one more time with a a very, very light dry brush of Ulthuan or Longbeaed Gray. You can also vary this formula by using grays with different bases, like Skavenbligjt Dinge for a more brown look. Or, you could start with a sand color like Zandri Dust and work up to a lighter cream (Ushabti Bone). After the main color is finished, paint the metal parts with something like Leadbelcher (a nickel-y silver). You can wash that with a shade if you want and then highlight, or just leave it. Terrain tends to fade into the background, as it should, so don’t sweat it too much.

You -can- use cheap craft paints for all of the above. I don’t, and I personally do not like to use them on models but some folks get done results on their scenery with them.
The following user(s) said Thank You: SaMoKo, Hadik

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05 Feb 2019 13:01 #291550 by SaMoKo
What’s the best space marines box to pick up for extra parts?

If my Warboss straps some marine pauldrons and dem skull hatz on the Gretchin boyz they’ll be less useless gitz and bring the DAKKA

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05 Feb 2019 13:20 #291552 by Michael Barnes
It depends. The standard Intercessor box gives you three different bolt rifles, the Reiver box gives you some wicked combat knives, carbines, pistols and some grav chutes. Also a grapple gun.

But...if you want to use this stuff with Orks, it’s a little out of scale. You’d probably just want a good ol’ tactical squad for that.

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