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- southernman
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Then had a Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit game the night before - great game as Darth Maul and Obi-Wan (the last Jedi) managed to kill each other simultaneously, so that left the droids to fight the humans in the palace with no intrusion while Anakin forced his way through the starfighter screens. In the end my droids managed to take out all the guards plus one Queen for the win.
- Mr Skeletor
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Other thing I have been playing (beyond the ever present Eve) is Team Fortress 2. You can find me on Steam as 'Arkhamina' I'm getting to be a pretty good soldier! Once in a while if I stay very late up, I see Skellie - I think Saturday I was up to 3am killing peoples, and saw him show up.
Got 2 games of Cosmic in last night too
I've laid off WoW for a bit and started up with TF2 again myself (seems people have got sick of the spy and sniper since the update so servers aren't as chock a block with them thankfully.)
My backpack is now full of bonus shit so when I find something I have to delete something else to make room. When (IF!) the trade system comes up I can give you all the bonus weapons except a huntsman, which I have oddly never found.
Boardgame-wise, I played Arkham Horror the weekend before last. We just played the base game because we had a newbie. We won and have a new convert. Maybe I'll actually get this to the table more often now. This was followed by 4 games in a row of Pandemic in which we managed to let the world get overrun by disease all 4 times.
Tonight I started a game of Runebound: The Frozen Wastes with my 13 yr. old son. I stepped out of the safety of town on my first turn and got walloped by an evil tree. We are nowhere near finding the princess yet, but plan to continue the search tomorrow. And I plan to go back and annihilate that stupid tree.
And trying to get a hang of Le Havre in a few solo games, just to find out why I get my ass handed to me everytime. But then the solo game is really hard to compare to the multiplayer game as other people tend to cross your way. Solo game is about reaching certain targets early, although there is room for several different end games. Multiplayer is about timing and alternative strategies
This weekend showing more progress though!
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I also started playing in a Texas Hold'em League at the local pub on Monday night. Played two games on the night. Got creamed the first game and lost the bulk of my chips in two hands. Suckered everybody in the second game and cleaned up. Shame we were only playing for a bar tab. No early retirement for me yet.
I did not like SNOW TAILS. It has got no rules for ramming. If you drive into another player you simply stop. How boring is that? I'd roll two dice:
Have you ever seen real husky dog sleds? How would you ram? This isn't a tank, it's a flimsy thing pulled by dogs, with the driver on the sled's skis in the back. Any ramming would have the dogs just running over the driver in front. If you wanted more violence, you could say your dogs are trying to jump on the other driver to bite him.
I'm Roslin, my brother's Zarek. On his second turn, he pulls an election on me, trying to justify this by saying Roslin's a crapass president as she needs to dump two cards every time she wants to use the Prez' office. If you had the humans' interests at heart, why the heck didn't you discuss this first? Smells like a stinking toaster to a few of us and accusations are flying good and fast already. No obvious Cylon player, although Admiral Adama is a bit aloof, not contributing too much to discussions or to help solve crisis and now terrorist Zarek is prez and possibly a cylon as well. I mentioned that Adama was possibly one, and Tyrol kicked me under the table to agree.
Otherwise things are going smoothly, the crisis are pretty well managed, we manage to grab an extra 3 Morale through a crisis and 2 Quorum cards. The preps to jump the fleet are going really well, although Centurions manage to board Galactica, but otherwise the base stars keep missing Galactica and the Raiders can't destroy our passenger fleet. Many cylon attack cards in a short time, right after some jumps as well, with Swarm and 33 in short order. Things look a bit grim, but Tyrol finally manages to destroy the centurions who were halfway to the hatch, and we prematurely jump the fleet before losing any civilian ships. Halftime after two jumps (3 and 2 distance), we're pretty sure there are now 2 cylons aboard. I thought Adama was a bit red-faced after he received his second Loyalty card, or not.
On his next turn, Adama reveals himself as a cylon, sending Lee to sick bay where I already was, but he still becomes our new Admiral. Now we only need to find the second toaster. Wild accusations are flowing freely, although the four remaining seem to really play obviously in favour of the humans, with timely investigative committees ensuring we wouldn't be wasting cards on crisis. We jump again, and Kobol's already in reach, although our fuel reserves are almost dry (1 left).
On his next turn, cylon-Adama plays his Super Crisis, which we easily push back, even though Lee's out of cards. Zarek uses unconventional tactics to sacrifice a few weak and sick individuals to create some more fuel. We can breathe a little easier, but at what cost to our souls?
We finally make the next jump, leaving a few more civilians behind, and winning easily. Adama had been dealt both cylon cards and never got the opportunity to activate a second cylon, we flew so fast to Kobol. Only 4 jumps in the entire game, which lasted barely two hours, even though we were a bit rusty at first. We had a great time, even if the matchup was a bit one-sided in favor of the humans, the banter, suspicion and paranoia was still great.
I think we still had 7 food and 9 morale at the end. Pop. was at 7 or so, don't remember if we lost any on the final jump to Kobol. Fuel was at 2.
Humans are now 6-5 in my experience.
Schweig! wrote:
I did not like SNOW TAILS. It has got no rules for ramming. If you drive into another player you simply stop. How boring is that? I'd roll two dice:
Have you ever seen real husky dog sleds? How would you ram? This isn't a tank, it's a flimsy thing pulled by dogs, with the driver on the sled's skis in the back. Any ramming would have the dogs just running over the driver in front. If you wanted more violence, you could say your dogs are trying to jump on the other driver to bite him.
You could off the part of my post where I went to explain how I would have treated the "ramming". I think it's also ridiculous that you come arguing with realism, when the single aspect I did not like in the game, i.e. players blocking tight spots at the end of their turn and not other player being able to get past them NO MATTER HOW FAST THEY ARE is truly unrealistic and dull. That's a prime example where not including randomness in a game really hurts - you may have plotted your moves best and then the first player to act blocks the gap. I'm not asking for crazy violence to be included in the game.
- Space Ghost
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- fastkmeans
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I did not like SNOW TAILS. It has got no rules for ramming. If you drive into another player you simply stop. How boring is that? I'd roll two dice:
First die
1-2: You stop.
3: You drift one space to the left of the other player.
4: You drift one space to the right of the other player.
5-6: You overtake the other player.
Second die
1-3: No effect.
4: You take one damage.
5: You and the other player each take one damage.
6: The other player takes one damage.
You could also adapt the contact rules for Circus Imperium, those are pretty straightforward.
- Space Ghost
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- southernman
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That sounds like an 'in bed by 6pm' follow-up action required by Dad just to remind him of the natural order.My kids really like Dinosaurs of the Lost World. This weekend my wife got her third win in a row due to the vicious play of my 7 year old. He sent so many critters after my team I spent half the game in basecamp. Add to that an event card he played that allowed him to steal my one escape item and 5 VPs. Jerk...