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What games are you BUYING? ARCHIVE

07 Mar 2010 07:58 #57169 by scissors
All the games on the LCD countdown list plus a two dollar deck of cards to replace runewars.
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07 Mar 2010 08:41 #57172 by sydo
Replied by sydo on topic Re:What games are you buying?
Finally plucked up the courage and ordered the ASL Rulebook. The first SK has been absolutely fantastic experience so I have decided to try the full monty. So far it lookd great. The RB looks intimidating on the first glance but it is very well written and all the color coding makes it easy to find everything. Very well produced and worth the money, now if I am able to understand the rules, I will order Beyond Valor.
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07 Mar 2010 11:54 #57176 by Rliyen
Monster Mayhem. Fist game I've bought in some time.
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07 Mar 2010 12:35 #57182 by ubarose
Luna Llena arrived. I've read the rules about 8 times, plus the FAQs. The game doesn't seem difficult, but the rules translation and organization is kind of a mess. Actually, the translation is kind of a hoot. You would think they could find one person whose native language was English to eyeball it. Plus there are misprints, so that the player aids and examples conflict with the rules.

And it had some of the most disfunctional tokens ever. They are slightly smaller than the little circles that get produced by a three hole paper punch. Life tokens look like red and white blobs. Determination tokens look like white and red blobs. I'm going to have to pull out some tokens/glass blobs, out of my stock to make the game playable.

No one has been up for trying to flail through a game of it with me. Maybe today.
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07 Mar 2010 12:36 #57183 by Dr. Mabuse
My wife and kids gave me an early b-day gift of letting me buy a couple of games at my FLGS yesterday. I came away with Cosmic Encounter: Incursion and The Adventurers.
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08 Mar 2010 14:42 #57237 by Gary Sax
Finally ordered myself a copy of Twilight Struggle again. Thank god. I gave my first copy to my girlfriend as a present and my Deluxe copy to another friend for X-mas who has been super supportive this year. Good to have that hole in my collection filled back up again. I didn't want to risk a chance that I would miss the Deluxe edition before it sold out.

Also got Dunwich Horror, since we've been rocking Arkham Horror almost constantly the last week and a half. My girlfriend declared it was her favorite game ever so I figured the extra variety of a new expansion would certainly not go amiss.
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11 Mar 2010 08:55 #57419 by stormseeker75
I bought Ala Carte for my wife as she's been wanting that. It looks like a lot of fun.

Traded my copy of Campaign Manager '08 to Grant Wylie of Worthington Games for Caesar's Gallic War. Looks simple enough to draw the wife in.

I also got a review copy of Panzer General from Petroglyph. I'll let you guys know what I think when I get a chance to play it.
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11 Mar 2010 12:45 - 11 Mar 2010 18:23 #57444 by DeletedUser
Took Brad's article to heart and purchased the Arkham Horror base game yesterday.

Not looking forward to tackling the rulebook, but looking forward to finally playing this exalted game.

It better be good guys - I had to sell my second-born's kidney to get this.

* Edit *

So where I can find Mr Skeletor's fabled flowchart these days?
Last edit: 11 Mar 2010 18:23 by DeletedUser. Reason: Gots to have mes a flowchart
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15 Mar 2010 18:39 #57682 by kookoobah
Me and my friends are seriously thinking about chipping in for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition. We played WFRP2ndEd last year, and we had lots of fun, but I (as the GM) found it a bit tiring and it felt like a chore to prepare for a session.

The new edition looks like a boardgame (which is a plus for me, but my other players feel more than just a little iffy about it). I love that they are reducing the need for looking up in the rulebook. Everything is out on the table already.

Dunno how limited the gameplay will be, what with all the parts though.

Reading this review made me smile and chuckle:

In AD&D, there are points in character advancement (an rpg term describing how characters acquire new spells and combat efficiency as they gain "experience") when the threat of character death lessens. This is never the case in WFRP. D&D is a game of kicking down doors and killing orcs. WFRP was a game of giving a second thought to being anywhere near the door. "Can't we just get the city guard to go instead," is a phrase frequently uttered by WFRP characters. WFRP's mechanics helpt to create narrative tension by having high levels of character vulnerability.

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15 Mar 2010 19:33 #57686 by metalface13
I read a review on RPGGeekDo or whatever it's called where the reviewer felt that the new system of dice added to free flowing feel of the game.
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15 Mar 2010 22:04 #57696 by flim_flam
kookoobah wrote:

Me and my friends are seriously thinking about chipping in for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition. We played WFRP2ndEd last year, and we had lots of fun, but I (as the GM) found it a bit tiring and it felt like a chore to prepare for a session.

The new edition looks like a boardgame (which is a plus for me, but my other players feel more than just a little iffy about it). I love that they are reducing the need for looking up in the rulebook. Everything is out on the table already.

Dunno how limited the gameplay will be, what with all the parts though.

Some of the folks in my game group started a WFRP3 game a few months back. It is the first time I have done any real role-playing since I was a kid. So far I am really liking it. There are a lot of real nice parts of it that are very board game inspired (the cards, the tokens) that make it much less of a chore for a non-role-player. My GM is definitely experienced which helps to move everything along. I am really enjoying our sessions and I doubt I would be saying that if I was playing D&D. Go for it, kookoobah!
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16 Mar 2010 09:20 #57715 by Gary Sax
That review makes *me* want to play... I haven't RPGed in years.
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16 Mar 2010 11:12 #57722 by Stephen Avery
We tried it one session. I can't remember the specifics but I didn't like it. I would need to play it more though to make an informed decision.

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16 Mar 2010 12:58 #57731 by Almalik
Picked up Warcraft the Board Game with the Shadows of War expansion off of Craigslist for fairly cheap ($40 CAD). Read the rules and will give it a spin with a couple of friends who are very familiar with the online game.

Ordered Greed, Inc. from a German seller off of the Geek, for not so cheap.
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16 Mar 2010 13:08 #57733 by Gary Sax
Oh, very nice Almalik. You should review Greed for us when you get a chance.
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Moderators: Gary Sax
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