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The ConnCon Math Trade allowed me to get rid of four boxes o' crap that have been doing nothing but taking up space for years. Felt bad about sticking Matt with Blood Feud in NY, but he seemed happy to get that big box of plastic dudes.
In return we got Bang! and Micro Mutants to play with family and the band boys. The Cosmic Encounter expansion for the Spawn. Samurai for Francie Pants. Matt said I'd lose my AT cred if I confessed to trading Blood Feud in NY for Samurai, but when your best friend is a hard core Euro-gamer, you have to compromise.
The art's not that bad. I'm fine with the icon-looking illustrations. People whine about over-the-top FFG fantasy art and then complain when something is too simple?
Good God, I've bought a lot of games. I just purchased Finca, Archaeology the Card Game, Fresco, Filipino Fruit Market, and Serpents of the Seas (just to make it a bit more manly).
Serpents of the Seas looks awesome. I love the realism of it. I'm sure it will not be easy to learn, but I'm looking forward to it.
The heroes are integrated better. You get one hero and the potential to recruit more adventurers. Your hero and adventurers lead armies into battle, search for treasure, recruit neutral units, and do adventures.
Questing is limited by what is available on the board, so there is some forced battles. Also, each hero has 3 objectives (fulfilling two wins the game). Some heroes are more quest oriented while some are more conquest oriented. I suppose I could do a review in the next couple of days.
The heroes are integrated better. You get one hero and the potential to recruit more adventurers. Your hero and adventurers lead armies into battle, search for treasure, recruit neutral units, and do adventures.
Questing is limited by what is available on the board, so there is some forced battles. Also, each hero has 3 objectives (fulfilling two wins the game). Some heroes are more quest oriented while some are more conquest oriented. I suppose I could do a review in the next couple of days.
where the heck did *this* game come from? This is the first I'm seeing of it!
I just got the newest edition of Family Business. Finally, someone decided it would help gameplay to put the text saying what the cards do back on the cards. We played 3 games at our last game get together. It rocks.
I just bought and received the awesome looking Warlords of Europe.
Damn it looks sweet! Lots of plastic knights and castles- best olde world map since Fire & Axe - and cards! Lots of great cards to influence the action.
And even more! Dice!
Lots of different type! D6, D10, and even D12!
How sweet it is!
Little wonder the guys who created this game were MB Gamemaster fans...
Completely forgot about a game purchase made last week, as I don't think of it as a game yet.
I received the Rise of the Valkyrie master set for Heroscape a couple of months ago and haven't felt inclined to play a game, but have given the set to my two daughters to play with until I decide to do so. They love making various landscapes for the figures to play on, although there is some disagreement over who gets to be the dragon. After they sat there and played on and off with the set for a day my wife told me I should get some more so I picked up Heroscape Marvel for reasonably cheap on eBay. The figures are nice, but there isn't much terrain in the set compared to the other set I have. I gave it to the girls yesterday as they are both home (school holidays) to try to distract them for a bit to allow my wife to work but it failed as they were only preoccupied for about half an hour.
I dropped in at the FLGS yesterday on a whim and picked up Citadels - a game I have never played - also on a whim. I have a wishlist as long as your arm and Citadels wasn't even on it. But the lower price point made it a lot easier to take a gamble and buy it before having played it. Have heard good things about the game though, so wasn't a completely blind purchase.
My copy of Iron Dragon came in. Glad to finally have this one. I remember seeing this in my LGS back in Bama in the 90's. I always thought of it when I think of train games. Very excited to play this and Martian Rails soon. Solo plays are fun and think they'll go over well with the group.