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What games are you BUYING? ARCHIVE
Runewars!!! - I missed my wife while I was gone but admittedly most of my dreams were about this.
Cosmic Incursion - looks cool and the price is right, and the rewards sound like a good idea
Carson City - Pre-ordered on a whim because I want a western themed game. I don't care that it's Euro-y, I like some Euro's.
Plus my Arkham dice and some sleeves for the Runewars fate deck, Brazil is nice, I've had some good jams, but man... I WANT MY NEW GAMES!
( and the ability to post without an iPhone )
Other than that, I'm not buying any games. Instead I'm putzing around with a couple print-and-play titles in my spare time...Dune Express and Legend of Robin Hood.
- Dr. Mabuse
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- Ambassador of Truth
If you ever need an extra body at the table PM me.
Yes Rackham still exists. They have been taking over though by another company. Rackham as a company is one big fail but I can't help being in love with AT-43 and they made Rush n Crush too btw. I wish FFG did take the line over. FFG isn't fast either but they are at least a lot better than Rackham.Does Rakham still exist? I thought FFG took over all rights to AT-43 (not just distribution rights for North America).
I think you are confusing Rackham with Take On You. The company that made Tannhauser. FFG basicly took over Tannhauser. The only game Take On You had ever produced apart from a boring gardening game.
It seems to be a recurring problem. The french make good ameritrash. Not very inventive but solid themes and mechanics mostly. Then the rulebooks are a mess (french to english translation is apparently very hard.) But the games are succesful anyway. Then these companies drown in their own success. They are too small to keep up and slowly lose their fanbase on account of not enough information and new products coming out.
Speaking of FFG, the games landing today include:
Runewars (because I just don't have enough coffin boxes in my house at the moment)
Campaign Manager (the new card game from the Twilight Struggle team)
Panzer General: Allied Assault (never played the XBLA game but this looked like fun and the kind of game my regular opponent would play)
Republic of Rome: Finally, the VG reprint has arrived.
Oh...and Compass Games' new edition of Yalu arrived yesterday. Sad part is, I have *no* idea or record of when--or even why--I preordered this bloody game. I'll certainly punch it and play it (solo likely) at some point, but it's not one I would have bought. Wonder what I *meant* to preorder but obviously failed to put in my card...
Thunderstone - fun game, I'll keep an eye out for the expansions
Ideology and Chinatown - Starlit Citadel had a Z-Man sale, haven't played either yet
Warhammer:Invasion - picked up it up second hand last night, looks like it should be fun.
I've been holding off on picking up Runewars but I'm guessing I'll fold at some point over the next couple of months, as responses on the net have been pretty positive (for some reason it's easier to spend the money a bunch of little games, rather than one big one).
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(for some reason it's easier to spend the money a bunch of little games, rather than one big one).
Man, I hear that. To me, that is rationalized by saying that disliking 1 out of 4 new games is more acceptable than disliking 1 big purchase. For example, I got a big order about a month ago and if I don't like 1 of those, no big deal. It was only $20-$30. But if I buy Runewars and dislike it, then ouch. I'm already regretting my Space Hulk purchase.
- ChristopherMD
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I'm already regretting my Space Hulk purchase.
The good news is it probably has good resale value. The bad news is you don't know an awesome game when its right in front of you.
By the way, I am NOT regretting my Space Hulk purchase. What up, Stormseeker?! Not Euro enough for you? ; )
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I also just started playing in a Rogue Trader game, and now I really want to grab some Banshees and a couple pots of Citadel paints; I haven't been making time to paint up my Eldar army and I'm starting to get the itch again.
EDIT: It's a long shot, but can anybody talk me into buying Giro Galoppo? It's on sale locally and I've been looking for a too-cute kids' game lately.
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I'm opening a game store, so there's lots of games I'm gonna buy, but the ones that go to the "collection" are:
Chaos in the Old World
Talisman Expansions
Cosmic Incursion
Warhammer LCG
Call of Cthulhu LCG
Heroscape new Master Set
and other Eurogames and some "mainstream" games
And more and more... also because my collection will become a "demo library" in the store. We also plan to "rent" some games (also from my collection)
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Twilight Struggle Deluxe
Heroscape D&D
Paid $138 for the lot. Not too shabby.
I haven't even ripped the plastic off Runewars yet. I'm going to savor all of it, slowly. Yeah, so much for the "waiting for reviews" crap. I was in the store to pick up the other two games and had to ask if he got RW in yet. Of course he said they were already sold out. But wait! We have two left in that box over there! Put that mutherfucker on the counter.
I'm opening a game store, so there's lots of games I'm gonna buy, but the ones that go to the "collection" are:
Chaos in the Old World
Talisman Expansions
Cosmic Incursion
Warhammer LCG
Call of Cthulhu LCG
Heroscape new Master Set
and other Eurogames and some "mainstream" games
And more and more... also because my collection will become a "demo library" in the store. We also plan to "rent" some games (also from my collection)
Keep us informed how things go at the store and how the board game rental business goes.
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Upcoming purchases? Napoleon’s War (I’m a big fan of Hold The Line) and Horus Heresy (once in a very great while, I’ll splurge on something big and shiny just because I WANT it… 3 years ago, it was Starcraft). As for multi-player titles, I’m keeping my eyes open for a reasonably priced used copy of Power Grid… I received one of the expansions as a gift last year, so it seems like the courteous thing to do. I played Power Grid once a few years ago and thought it was just OK, but who knows? The group might like it. But barring the appearance of something truly extraordinary (Runewars didn’t pique my interest, so FFG’s final Mystery Box, I’m lookin’ at you), I’m set for multi-player stuff for a good while. I have about a dozen titles that hit the table with varying degrees of frequency, with another 2 or 3 that are just waiting to be added into the rotation. It’s a good variety of themes, mechanics, play times and weights. No one in my weekly group seems bored with the available choices, so there’s no need to get greedy.
Flight from the Dark (Collector's edition) by Joe Dever
Heart of Ice by Dave Morris
Looking forward to playing through them.