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Yeah, they just got robinson crusoe's expansion too. I might do an expansions order. If only they had the Eldrich Horror first expansion that people are saying is great (not the big box antartica one)
Oh man, I would have totally done that deal if I would have known. Instead, I got to pay for a water heater install at an ass-stretching price of $1,100. Having a shitty month, w0oop!
Josh Look wrote: I just won a complete copy of Risk: Star Wars Original Trilogy on eBay for $30 shipped.
I suck.
Good grab! I like the Star Wars Trilogy edition better than the Lord of the Rings Trilogy edition because of the different faction objectives. I always keep a lookout for the Star Wars Trilogy edition, but, I haven't found it yet. I enjoy the Lord of the Rings Trilogy edition too because it plays so quickly as the Ring marches to Mordor and ends the game--but, I think that the forces of evil have an advantage in that edition.
Josh Look wrote: I just won a complete copy of Risk: Star Wars Original Trilogy on eBay for $30 shipped.
I suck.
Good grab! I like the Star Wars Trilogy edition better than the Lord of the Rings Trilogy edition because of the different faction objectives. I always keep a lookout for the Star Wars Trilogy edition, but, I haven't found it yet. I enjoy the Lord of the Rings Trilogy edition too because it plays so quickly as the Ring marches to Mordor and ends the game--but, I think that the forces of evil have an advantage in that edition.
I got a copy of LOTR Risk (the Two Towers one, not the trilogy) for my birthday 12 years ago. It's actually what got me into the hobby.
Bought Sons of Anarchy when it was on the miniature market daily deal the other day. Also grabbed Wiz-War Malefic Curses, Theseus, the Deadzone Marauders starter faction, Deadzone resin crates, and a bottle of black wash which I hope works great.
Josh Look wrote: I got a copy of LOTR Risk (the Two Towers one, not the trilogy) for my birthday 12 years ago. It's actually what got me into the hobby.
I don't know if this still works, but I used
the link and order form here
to convert my Two Towers to the Trilogy edition. See my last post. Again, I don't know if it still works, but on a lark a few years ago it worked for me.
Josh Look wrote: I got a copy of LOTR Risk (the Two Towers one, not the trilogy) for my birthday 12 years ago. It's actually what got me into the hobby.
I don't know if this still works, but I used
the link and order form here
to convert my Two Towers to the Trilogy edition. See my last post. Again, I don't know if it still works, but on a lark a few years ago it worked for me.
That's a neat link and upgrade for those who don't have the Trilogy edition. I was entirely unaware of the Siege of Minas Tirith expansion. I wish that had been available in the USA.
I have finally jumped in to the money pit and am the proud owner of the X-Wing Miniatures starter set. I can't wait to learn and play this one for the first time. Any suggestions on which ships to pick up to round out decent Imperial and Rebel squadrons?