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Got Tokyo Train in a math trade. It's so totally cute! It comes in a tin about the size of my palm. It's a very silly partnership game. One partner has to give the other directions to rearrange cards into a certain pattern by waving his arms and calling out certain code words. I'm not sure if the words are actual Japanese words, or just gibberish that sound Japanese.
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I'm also tempted to pick up a copy of TotAN. I have my doubts about the standard game, to be honest, but the storytelling variant looks incredibly unique and with the baby coming up I could probably do with another solo game that has less setup effort and space than AH. Opinions appreciated on the variants and the setup time/space in case I'm wrong! Besides, my current offspring has demanded repeat readings of "Aladdin" of late and it's given me a taste of the theme.
Probably ought to get a copy of Attika too - I've played it so often on SBW that I kind of owe the designer some money.
I might pick up the Z-man edition of Kings & Things but I think I'll wait on majority opinion to see how it plays. I don't know what - if any - changes have been made to the original rules but like a lot of Tom Wham games it had some great ideas but could probably use some streamlining. I hope the keep the original Wham artwork too
Two wargames that are definitive buys for me this year if they keep to their release schedule are CoH: First Men In and What Price Glory. First Men In would be popping my C0H cherry: I've been waiting for the Normandy iteration of the system ever since the first game was released.
Good to hear!
Yeah, get this: the guy I was going to trade all those game to wanted Arkham Horror and the Dunwhich expansion on top of what I'd already offered him. I pretty much told him to eat shit, then offered another guy C&C:A and CC:P. He took it, and was great about the whole deal.
The badness of the rulebook is really, really overstated. Granted: we haven't advanced past scenario A yet. But we're enjoying the hell out of that scenario, and as long as I introduced the rules in the same order as the rulebook, my wife essentially hasn't felt yet that it's too complicated. It shouldn't be a hard game to learn, even on your own.
I've got the second edition book, but so far, I don't see what's so bad about it either. The Panic rules could've been worded more cleary, and RR is wierd until you visualize it as being played out on a grid, but the rules are by no means the nightmare they've been made out to be.
Then again, I never thought MR's rules were that bad.
I might pick up the Z-man edition of Kings & Things but I think I'll wait on majority opinion to see how it plays.
See, I was all hot to trot for this edition, too, but I'm not so sure about it now. First of all, from the box shot we've gotten, it looks like they probably won't be keeping the original art. Second, when I asked Zev about it here a few months ago, I got the impression that it was still a big "maybe."
But even worse, according to Wham, he never got the royalties for the first Pegasus Spiele edition of K&T. Now, he made it sound like this was more WEG's fault than anyone else's, but it just doesn't seem right to pay for the game if the designer's getting dicked out of his money.
I bought "Roads to Stalingrad" which is a Spanish made game and a fairly fresh approach to wargaming. A reasonable amount of innovationa and a fun area movement + CDG system. the rulebook translation could have done with an English overview but the game itself is clever (if expensive) and well worth a look if you want an operational Eastern Front game with new ideas. the supply and combat systems are particularly original (to me at least).
combat works by drawing chits of different capabilities from a cup, you then carry them out in an order of your choosing. supply is on the board. you can only activate units within 3 areas of a supply token at which point the token is consumed. you can use a certain number of supply points during this activation to move / engage units. unique and smart!
Ok, this sounds intriguing...other than combining every wargaming fad/trend of the last 20 years into 1 game: area-impulse, card-driven, chit-pull, and supply point...
Are the cards in English?
Bought Through the Ages this weekend, played the basic game with the wife last night, good stuff.
Funny, I hadn't bought a game for months and then I bought two games in two weeks.
Hey this looks pretty cool...Is it just a single scenario? Do you know much about the replay value?I bought the 40K starter set Assault on Black Reach. I've assembled, glued, filed and primed the dudes, played it with my kid too. Will be playing it with a wargamer buddy tomorrow night.
Uba -- can you comment on what made it a "gak"?
Dominion is a tedious, pointless shopping game, but it plays fast, and requires only a small portion of your attention to play - kind of like knitting, it gives you something to do with your hands while you socialize.
Thunderstone keeps the tedious shopping part, and then adds tedious 3rd grade arithmetic and wonky CCG style card interactions to slow the game down. They pretty much threw the baby out with the bath water.
I also think they really rushed Thuderstone to production to catch the Dominion craze, and it shows. They are on rules revision number 4 and the FAQ is about as long as the rules. I also felt like there are still artifacts from bits of the game they stripped out. Or maybe they are just there for the already planned expansions. The whole game feels unpolished and a little clunky. Plus, the graphic design is for shit. The icons are all dark colored circles on a dark background. The pictures are pretty, but the text and icons makes the cards look like pasted up prototypes.
You might like it if you like Dominion and like CCGs, and arguing over which card effect happens first, and enjoy watching people repeatedly figuring out stuff like:
(attack + weapons attack) - ((2-player light) x monster rank) plus or minus card effects... oops, wait that weapon can't be equipped, oh wait but let me figure this out again against the other monster, what's his health? I can't read it from here. No, wait his card effect is different... is this a battle effect or a dungeon effect? Oh never mind, I'll just go shopping.
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Thanks Uba -- now I can safely ignore it. Sounds like too much work for what it is.
Agreed. I think I can skip this one. My wallet thanks you. Now, what can I buy instead?
It's two ~500 point armies -- Space Marines and Orks. It comes with a full copy of the 40K rules so you can play whatever kind of game you want. I've only played it once using kitchen table terrain, we'll see if it's got legs. I'm trying to gauge that for myself before I buy more 40K stuff.generalpf wrote:
Hey this looks pretty cool...Is it just a single scenario? Do you know much about the replay value?I bought the 40K starter set Assault on Black Reach. I've assembled, glued, filed and primed the dudes, played it with my kid too. Will be playing it with a wargamer buddy tomorrow night.
At $90 CAD it's definitely a loss leader for them. You get a 5-model Space Marine Terminator Squad, a 10-model Space Marine Assault Squad, a Space Marine Commander, a Space Marine Dreadnought (counts as a vehicle), an Ork Warboss, a 5-model Ork Nobz Mob, a 20-model (!) Ork Boyz Mob, and 3 (count 'em, 3!) Deffcoptaz (counts as a jetbike). So you get a broad sampling of what 40K has to offer. You also get two measuring sticks, three blast/flame templates, some dice, an introductory guide and a rulebook.
If you like Dominion already, why not just play that?Space Ghost wrote:
Agreed. I think I can skip this one. My wallet thanks you. Now, what can I buy instead?Thanks Uba -- now I can safely ignore it. Sounds like too much work for what it is.