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What WHISKEY have you been drinking?

27 May 2010 11:22 #64514 by Columbob
Black Barney wrote:

wow, I would kill to try that Glenlivet 15

Go to SAQ Signature on St-Catherine (complexe les Ailes), they have a ton of stuff available for sampling and even more to buy. Or you could try the scotch pub L'île noire on Ontario IIRC.

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27 May 2010 11:28 #64515 by jay718
Liquor stores with sampling?!! Fuck the Glenlivet, I'd kill to live in Montreal! Is there anything you guys don't have up there?

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27 May 2010 11:31 #64516 by ubarose
jay718 wrote:

Buffalo Trace is a great bourbon, especially for the price. I usually just use Beam or Beam black when I make juleps at home, and Evan Williams is the standard when we make them at the bar. I've always held that good bourbon was wasted with juleps; simple syrup and mint dull the complexities, especially after the first one. I'm gonna experiment this BBQ season though, so please post the winner of the taste test.

The "good bourbon is wasted on juleps" vs "use the best bourbon you can afford" argument seems to have been going on for at least a century. So I just decided to find out for myself. Beam and Evan Williams are the typical standard. I want to see if these others, which each have distintive tastes, can hold up to the sugar and mint, and if they do, does it really make much of a difference from the standard.

Maybe later this summer, when mint is in season, I'll also try the alternate method of making juleps, without syrup, and see if it makes a difference.

And even if none of it makes a difference, it's still fun to try.

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27 May 2010 13:26 #64524 by Columbob
jay718 wrote:

Liquor stores with sampling?!! Fuck the Glenlivet, I'd kill to live in Montreal! Is there anything you guys don't have up there?

Every pit stop/touristy place in Scotland also has scotch sampling.

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27 May 2010 14:49 #64534 by Black Barney
jay718 wrote:

Liquor stores with sampling?!! Fuck the Glenlivet, I'd kill to live in Montreal! Is there anything you guys don't have up there?

we don't have permissive gun laws :(

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27 May 2010 14:54 #64535 by OldHippy
I've been digging Red Breast a lot lately. Irish Whiskey. I can actually enjoy it straight which is rare for me (I usually need a splash of water).

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27 May 2010 16:32 #64549 by jay718
Black Barney wrote:

jay718 wrote:

Liquor stores with sampling?!! Fuck the Glenlivet, I'd kill to live in Montreal! Is there anything you guys don't have up there?

we don't have permissive gun laws :(

You probably don't have rednecks wearing pistols on their hips at their kids soccer games either. Or a bunch of hillbillies with assault rifles showing up at political rallies. Or the million gun march. Or the hightest murder rate of any industrialized naton. Guess you guys don't have it all.

There is Canadian Club though!

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27 May 2010 18:01 #64559 by jay718
What's the alternate way of making juleps? On Kentucky Derby day when we run out of syrup at the bar (we don't have a kitchen in whic to make more) we'll use confectioners sugar and a shaker. I'd love to hear other methods!

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27 May 2010 18:02 #64560 by Black Barney
Canadian Club is UNDRINKABLE

except when you wanna go to sleep on a long bus ride.

Yeah, I was being tongue in cheek about our gun laws. I'm very happy with them and think they should be even stricter. We don't have one of those constitutions giving everyone the right to bear arms so I'm surprised the gun laws aren't even stricter than they already are. But yeah, I'm happy with our low murder rate.

Are you sure about your high murder rate tho? I know your is super high but i don't think you're the highest. Is South Africa considered industrialized or no? I know Columbia isn't (and is the murder capital of the world), but South Africa is WAY ahead of the States with killing people and I thought they were considered industralized. I'm not sure, I gotta rewatch District 9

You don't really have a million gun march tho, do you? Was that started after the million man march? ugh

the assault rifles at poltiical rallies is hilarious though. I can't believe it.

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27 May 2010 18:39 #64565 by jay718
You're probably right about South Africa. I didn't research my facts before posting. Russia's gotta be up there too. The million gun march was this past April on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Shitload of militia minded rednecks got together in Virginia (closest they could get to DC while remaining armed) to celebrate their constitutional rights. It's getting pretty scary here, and I gotta tell you, there's nothing hilarious about wingnuts with assault rifles anywhere, least of all at a political rally. It's terrifying.

Back on topic, I must have meant to say Canadian Mist. That's the good one, right? Got a new bottle of Jeffersons Reserve from my distributer waiting for me at the bar. Probably break into that tonight at work.

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27 May 2010 19:31 #64572 by Black Barney
nono, you meant canadian club. It's our rye

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27 May 2010 20:51 #64574 by ubarose
jay718 wrote:

What's the alternate way of making juleps? On Kentucky Derby day when we run out of syrup at the bar (we don't have a kitchen in whic to make more) we'll use confectioners sugar and a shaker. I'd love to hear other methods!

Big spoonful of sugar. Spoonful of water. About 6 fresh mint leaves. Mash it up in a glass. Pack the glass full of crushed ice. Pour bourbon over the ice. Put another leaf of fresh mint on top. Drink quickly with your nose in the mint. It's kind of like doing a bourbon shot with a sweet, minty chaser.

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01 Jun 2010 10:30 #64859 by Columbob
So I was in Montréal this weekend and my in-laws came back from Spain and brought me a bottle of the 12 y.o. Cardhu (only 24 euros duty free! It's unavailable in Québec and that same bottle is selling for $165 in Ontario).

Maybe I wasn't in the right mood to enjoy it, but it left me somewhat underwhelmed. Very light tasting and tastes of apples and pears. Still glad I got a bottle though and will try it again soon.

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