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Re:What ITEMS have you been buying?

02 Mar 2011 13:07 #89569 by jay718
stormseeker75 wrote:

Congrats, bro. Owning your own home is the epitome of fucking awesome. I love knowing that I could go home today and put a hammer through the wall and nobody can say shit because it's mine!!

Well, $2, 748 worth is. That's all I have to show for 15 months of mortgage payments.

Thanks man, the missus and I are beside ourselves. The last few months have been pretty hellish, so it feels really good to get a win.

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02 Mar 2011 13:51 #89576 by Ska_baron
Go Jay, go! Next tax season'll be a bit brighter for you now!

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02 Mar 2011 17:02 #89618 by Mr Skeletor
In my effort to get back into writing I just got a new battery for my laptop, meaning I'm now 'mobile' again. I figure being able to sit in the backyard or pub and write will get the creative juices going again.
Now I just need to setup a blogsite, can anyone recomend one?

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06 Mar 2011 15:17 #89936 by Ancient_of_MuMu
Don't know where to put this story, but here seems best.

My wife's parents and her uncle and aunt 25 years ago bought a couple of side-by-side knock-down houses for their kids to live in as students. My wife and I started our stint in one of the houses as students in early '96, and ended up leaving the other house after a stint in both in late '07 as a married couple with 2 kids (and my wife was still a student). It's amazing what you put up with for cheap rent, and once addicted we couldn't give it up, so had toddlers running around a house and garden that most people wouldn't think was fit for anything but homeless people.

Anyway after some time my wife's parents bought out her uncle and aunt, and as my mother-in-law was dying in '09 she requested my father-in-law knock down the houses and build something nice there for my wife and her sisters to make sure they were looked after. As it looks like demolition is about to happen in the next month or so, we had a small BBQ in the backyard to say goodbye. We took some textas with us and everyone got to write on the walls. It was surprisingly cathartic, and really nice to see what others who had lived there wrote on the walls (the spot where someone saw a ghost, the spot where I broke my toe, the spot where a housemate threw up on the wall, etc).

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11 Mar 2011 20:21 #90549 by Ancient_of_MuMu
Just bought a car the other day. It was just under 2 years old and we got it for 60% of the new price, so we are very happy. It was such a good deal, it was even 15% under the lowest price the car buying guides said we should pay. Basically it was so cheap because it was an ex-government car (water department) driven a lot as it was out inspecting rivers and dams (so the good price was because it had way more miles than a car that age should have, sold by people who aren't looking for a great price). We don't drive much so in a few years it will slip back to being driven an average amount for a car its age. Everyone is impressed with what a good deal we got, but we are still horrified as it is way more than we have ever paid for a car.

And now you may commence the humiliation and laughter (or admiration depending on where your beliefs lie), because it is a Prius.

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12 Mar 2011 12:31 #90575 by Dogmatix
Nice one MuMu! I just bought a car too--2007 Honda Accord EX with 29k miles. I went the other way from you and just bought it at CarMax, a "No Haggle" dealer because I needed a 4-door vehicle to deal with carseat and baby. Turns out it was a better deal than I thought it would be as any local Honda dealers who had the same 6-cylinder model priced it a good $3k-4k above the CarMax price. I'm sure I could have haggled a dealer down a bit--probably to right around the CarMax price--but it wasn't worth the effort to me. I was actually surprised at CarMax's prices (on the Hondas at least) as I expected to pay about 10% more than what I would have at a dealer for a comparable car but it wasn't the case with this particular car. (It also had 10-15k fewer miles on it than I would have expected for an '07, so I pounced on it the minute it showed up on the CarMax website. The folks on the lot laughed when they saw the timestamp on my order as the car had been listed online for all of 9 minutes before I reserved it.)

After that it's been a metric shit-ton of the Ikea shelves that Shellhead so derides in the thread about gamers and financial savvy. (I'm not particularly fond of them either but it's not like I have the space to store sufficient lumber to build something nicer in this townhouse.)

With baby inbound, we had to do a lot of household shuffling to make room and, after moving my wife's office into what had been my library, I was faced with 30 crates of books sitting in the living room; couple that with a music collection had vastly exceeded the existing storage and it was time to get something uniform in size, shape, and color to reorganize all of it. So, cue delivery of "Billy" and "Benno" shelving. The music will be done this weekend. Once that is up, I'll measure out and buy the bookshelves to build-out the remaining space. Whatever doesn't fit there heads off to long-term storage. I expect I'll be leaving just about all of it in the house when we move. (The problem with friggin' townhouses is no damned storage at all. We just had all the closets in the house rebuilt for better)

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27 Mar 2011 18:24 #92368 by Ancient_of_MuMu
On the weekend we had to buy a printer, so bought an Epson multi-function one. When we moved house we noticed we could no longer buy ink for out printer as it was about 15 years old so it was turfed (it was also behaving erratically so its time had come).

This was all prompted by the presence of my daughter's class teddy 'Mr Fuji'. Every weekend one kid has to bring Mr Fuji home and document what they did with him, so we needed to print out some photos of my daughter and Mr Fuji. As every other parent will do what we did and take a look at what all the other kids got up to, I don't know what the other parents will make of Mr Fuji's first game of Heroscape and Mr Fuji's trip to the comic book store (plus tap dancing class, a street party, dinner with family and buying a printer). Either we will make some friends through it or be ostracized.

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28 Mar 2011 16:57 #92467 by Ska_baron
The mechanic wanted me to buy a new transmission. However it looks like sometime down the line I will be buying a "new" car instead.

The joys of adult-hood!

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29 Mar 2011 10:04 #92538 by Bulwyf
So we closed on our new house sometime back in January and have since been fixing it up and making it "home". A long process that we're no where near finishing but that's ok. We knew it was a fix-er-upper when we got it. Its a much bigger house than what we had before so we went out to some antique and used furniture dealers on Saturday to look around and see if there were any bedroom sets we might like. There was some nice stuff out there like a late 40's all mahogany (sp?) bedroom suite, but the bed was only a full.

We keep wandering through more dealers and then we both are drawn to one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. Sitting in a corner covered with dust is an early 1960's vending machine with a Dr. Pepper motif. We check it out and and it turns out to be one that can dispense 12.5oz glass bottles and it works! I'm thinking the dealer is going to want something like $800 for it but he only asks for $300. Without even looking at each other my wife and I jump all over it. Long story short, I go out shopping for bedroom furniture and I end up with a Dr. Pepper machine. Hey at least it will look cool in our formal living room once we get the pool table. Who the hell needs a "formal living room" anyway?


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29 Mar 2011 10:16 #92539 by Ska_baron
Hells yeah, Bulwyf! Awesome find. Antique stores are amazing for finding gem furniture. Even when the price is comparable to a contemporary furniture store, the quality/detail is so much more amazing.

The stuff you could get at a furniture store now will never make it to an antique store. It's too disposable.

We found an awesome buffet that we used to use to store dvds to store board games now (as well as candles, which we apparently have a lot of). And we found a nice make up table/desk that I got the wife for christmas that looks great in the bedroom.

Hell, our bedroom set and living room furniture and family room furniture is all from my in-laws. Some of it was my mother-in-law's apartment furniture when she got her first place, and it still looks DAMN GOOD.

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29 Mar 2011 10:59 #92541 by Shellhead
Last week, I was forced to buy a new catalytic converter for my 2007 Taurus. Damn things are expensive due to the precious metals inside.

I was just driving down the street when suddenly I could hear something dragging under the car as my engine began to roar. The muffler snapped loose at the front end of the car, so I couldn't just drive it to the nearest repair shop without possibly losing the entire muffler. So I walked to a nearby store and bought some bungee cords, and rigged them to hold the muffler off the ground while I drove. Unfortunately, I had to lie down in a cold, dirty, wet gutter while securing the bungee cords. The good news was that they only needed to replace part of my muffler. The bad news was that part included the catalytic converter.

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29 Mar 2011 13:48 #92575 by jay718
Great find Will! The missus and I are in the same boat as your family in terms of renovating and finding furniture for the new house. Her tastes run towards mid century wood so it's been tough to find affordable pieces, but we're chugging along. Got a dining table, a real slick looking liquor cabinet/bar thingy, buffet and a bunch of other crap too. I also bought a shit load of oak, stain, and poly two weeks ago and have been building and installing floor to ceiling book shelves. Wanna get a rolling ladder for the wall but them shits is pricey! We'll see.

I read an article recently about how used car lots around Philadelphia keep getting jacked for their catalytic converters by scrap metal rats. Apparently manhole covers and storm drains are going missing wholesale there also. Crazy.

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29 Mar 2011 14:31 #92595 by Space Ghost

(as well as candles, which we apparently have a lot of).

I cannot overestimate the number of times I have said this about candles and/or pillows.

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06 Sep 2011 14:04 #102785 by ubarose
A new roof a.k.a. all my fun money for about the next 5 years.

Unfortunately this came right after a we had actually committed our fix-up-the-kitchen savings to actually fixing up the kitchen (I have been saving up to do this for years, but every time I get close, some other unexpected expense pops up). This was soon followed by a large unexpected expense, and a slightly less large unexpected expense popping-up, which nearly wiped out our just-in-case fund.

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06 Sep 2011 14:47 #102793 by san il defanso
We finally got ourselves a long-overdue new laptop. I've had a Mac for the past 4.5 years, and I needed to get something that could run applications that have been released since 2008. Since we had the OS X 10.4 on the old machine, nothing ran on it anymore. So we went with a PC, which cost about a third as much as it would have cost to get a new Mac.

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