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Re:What ITEMS have you been buying?

02 Oct 2010 14:45 #75751 by JacobMartin
I'm kind of in the market for a new ukulele.

I saw Tiny Tim's ukulele in a museum this year - but I was into the ukulele before that. Tiny Tim's uke is a freaking Catholic relic in terms of the decals, it was an experience.

I'm going to get one of those hard wood ukes, I know a place that can give you a good price on a quality one. It's not a back alley.

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02 Oct 2010 14:48 #75753 by ubarose
Juniper wrote:

I bought a house on Wednesday, and kind of got common-law married at the same time. No internet hookup at the house, yet. I'm in a Starbucks right now.

Anyway, I'm winning this thread so you folks had better step up your game.


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02 Oct 2010 22:05 - 02 Oct 2010 22:09 #75769 by Stan Leer
Hey I bought some new seeds for a buck a pack!

Herbs predominantly but some nice stuff i had been planning to purchase this winter for the 2011 growing season!

Don't know when the hel I will be using chervil but it sounds fancy-schmancy!

Do I loose all masculinity by saying I am excited about my camomile?
Last edit: 02 Oct 2010 22:09 by Stan Leer.

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03 Oct 2010 16:12 #75808 by Ancient_of_MuMu
I bought afternoon tea in a food court at a shopping mall yesterday and it was one of the worst experiences I have had in a while.

I took my family to a movie and circumstances conspired against us and we had to go to a different cinema from our normal one so we reluctantly went to one in a shopping mall instead (I hate shopping malls, but it is nothing compared to my hatred of strip malls which should be banned worldwide). We were a bit early we bought afternoon tea, and there was a point when my wife and the kids all went to the toilet and I just looked around at the other people in the food court. Everyone was fat, there was no interaction between people, or with the space, the people were just there to consume, and I could feel the life being sucked out of me just by being there. It was an experience I will do my best to avoid for quite a while.

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03 Oct 2010 22:07 #75816 by ubarose

The Spawn decided she wanted decorate our "yard" as a cemetery for Halloween. We have a "city yard" which, if you don't know, is just a tiny bit of fenced ground between our porch and and the sidewalk. With the fake tombstones it actually passes quite well for a small family burial plot. I'm risking the weather holding fair until the end of the month, and not cutting back the rose bushes for winter until after Halloween, as the dead looking thorny mess adds a nice spooky touch.

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03 Oct 2010 22:14 #75817 by Schweig!
Juniper wrote:

I bought a house on Wednesday, and kind of got common-law married at the same time. No internet hookup at the house, yet. I'm in a Starbucks right now.

You sound sad. :( My condolences.

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04 Oct 2010 09:29 #75837 by Columbob
Those bike pants I bought last week sure came in useful this morning, it was 3-4 degrees Celsius (a bit under 40 Fahrenheit for you Yanks)!

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04 Oct 2010 13:15 - 04 Oct 2010 13:27 #75858 by Juniper
Black Barney wrote:

in what country do you get common-law married when you buy a house together? In Canada, you gotta be living with someone for a year, in the States, I thought it was seven.

Well, that's why I said "kind of." There's no such thing as common-law marriage in Canada, as far as I know. Common-law relationships are recognized*, but they aren't quite marriage. For example, no formal divorce is required to dissolve a common-law relationship.

Neither of us intends to move, though, so we're stuck with each other. And we're both named on the title deed, so our property is shared. We're already starting to forget who paid for which games.

So, you're right. I shouldn't have said "common-law married," because the "kind of" qualifier didn't soften the meaning as much as I had meant it to. Nonetheless, I've made a happy and serious commitment that would be expensive and difficult to break. Call it what you like; it wasn't my intention to mislead. I'm still winning this thread, though.

* Also, common-law relationships in Ontario require 3 years of continuous co-habitation (or the birth of a child).

EDIT: sorry for making this thread super-boring.
Last edit: 04 Oct 2010 13:27 by Juniper.

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04 Oct 2010 13:39 #75860 by Michael Barnes
Bought my wife and I tickets to go see Jeff Koons lecture about the influence of surrealism on his work. Very, very rare that a working artist of his stature comes to Atlanta for _anything_.

Will probably buy an LCD Soundsystem shirt at the show tonight.

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04 Oct 2010 14:13 #75865 by Schweig!
Juniper wrote:

I'm still winning this thread, though.

You're not winning because your scenario sounds like an arranged marriage. Oh well, it served civilization quite well until about 100 years ago.

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04 Oct 2010 16:18 #75871 by ubarose
Juniper wrote:

Black Barney wrote:

in what country do you get common-law married when you buy a house together? In Canada, you gotta be living with someone for a year, in the States, I thought it was seven.

Well, that's why I said "kind of." There's no such thing as common-law marriage in Canada, as far as I know. Common-law relationships are recognized*, but they aren't quite marriage. For example, no formal divorce is required to dissolve a common-law relationship.

Neither of us intends to move, though, so we're stuck with each other. And we're both named on the title deed, so our property is shared. We're already starting to forget who paid for which games.

So, you're right. I shouldn't have said "common-law married," because the "kind of" qualifier didn't soften the meaning as much as I had meant it to. Nonetheless, I've made a happy and serious commitment that would be expensive and difficult to break. Call it what you like; it wasn't my intention to mislead. I'm still winning this thread, though.

* Also, common-law relationships in Ontario require 3 years of continuous co-habitation (or the birth of a child).

EDIT: sorry for making this thread super-boring.


Only about a dozen states in the US recognize common law marriage. In my state you would be considered domestic partners. The primary distinction is that your domestic partner isn't legally considered next of kin, so domestic partners really need to have wills, name each other as beneficiary on anything that has a beneficiary, and need to give each other power of attorney, otherwise things can get really nasty between a domestic partner and the legally recognized next of kin.

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05 Oct 2010 18:59 #76001 by Ancient_of_MuMu
Last night I bought some anti-biotic tablets, anti-inflammatory liquid and some sterile wash for my cat at the Vet. For the second time in a month he has had an abscess that has turned necrotic, and the vet is hoping they can avoid surgery as he has just gone through it, but I am not hopeful about. We are blaming our junkie neighbour's cat for all this, as we presume our old cat just wants to sit peacefully in the yard which is being invaded by this vile unclean beast (it could be another cat, and maybe our cat is the aggressor, but when you have a convenient target like that to blame it is hard to go past it).

We think we may have to keep him inside permanently which we would rather not do as it will involve some major adjustments to the way we live our life, but he can't keep on having surgeries to remove abscesses every few weeks.

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05 Oct 2010 22:24 #76017 by Stonecutter
I bought a power strip so I can stop unplugging my floor lamp whenever I need to charge my cell phone, and I bought a digital thermometer for the next time I make a pork roast AND I bought a set of funnels so I can reuse my vinegar when I run a vinegar solution through my coffee maker.

I live the life of a fucking rock star, I do!

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05 Oct 2010 22:29 #76018 by Gary Sax
Live the dream, stonecutter.

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05 Oct 2010 22:56 #76021 by Space Ghost
Bought a heating pad for a heavily strained tendon in my foot. My 30s are kicking my ass.

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