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Re:What ITEMS have you been buying?

08 Dec 2010 15:47 #81505 by MattFantastic
I've been buying a lot of electricity and natural gas. I'm so happy to be a home owning adult!

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08 Dec 2010 21:24 - 08 Dec 2010 21:25 #81546 by ChristopherMD
I'm posting this with my Kindle.

I can see F:AT in all its black and white glory.
Last edit: 08 Dec 2010 21:25 by ChristopherMD.

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09 Dec 2010 08:01 #81570 by Aarontu
Just bought all the parts for, and assembled a new gaming computer. woo yay!

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14 Jan 2011 22:52 #84753 by Dr. Mabuse
For those in colder climes I got two words for ya:

Flannel. Sheets.

My wife bought some in winter 09 and holy shit...I had no idea anything like this existed.

My co-worker bought some over the weekend and we spent a good half hour extolling its virtues.

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15 Jan 2011 15:14 #84798 by Ancient_of_MuMu
I have been buying a whole bunch of boxes, bubble wrap and other packing related stuff so I can move house in a week's time. I have been so focussed on how much less stressful my new house will be that I have forgotten that moving house is supposedly the third most stressful thing people encounter in their lives (I think after death and divorce).

My game collection and my consoles were boxed up yesterday, so no gaming for the next week or so.

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16 Jan 2011 01:58 #84860 by Dogmatix
MattLoter wrote:

I've been buying a lot of electricity and natural gas. I'm so happy to be a home owning adult!

Pffft. That ain't nuthin'. I'll send you copies of the invoices for the windows, HVAC, and hot water heater we just finished having installed so you can get a preview of some of the TRUE "joys of homeownership" that await you down the road. ;) (Congrats on getting a place though.)

Items we're buying: car seats, crib, changing table, stroller [and jesus fucking christ, god damned strollers should come with a 350 small block pre-installed for what they cost]. Next up is the new car (to replace my 1997 Acura CL with 170k miles before I am forced to pay for my 3rd timing belt and another set of brakes and tires)--flip-flopping between a 2007 and 2009 Accord at this point.

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16 Jan 2011 11:31 #84887 by ubarose
Dogmatix wrote:

MattLoter wrote:

I've been buying a lot of electricity and natural gas. I'm so happy to be a home owning adult!

Pffft. That ain't nuthin'. I'll send you copies of the invoices for the windows, HVAC, and hot water heater we just finished having installed so you can get a preview of some of the TRUE "joys of homeownership" that await you down the road. ;) (Congrats on getting a place though.)

Items we're buying: car seats, crib, changing table, stroller [and jesus fucking christ, god damned strollers should come with a 350 small block pre-installed for what they cost]. Next up is the new car (to replace my 1997 Acura CL with 170k miles before I am forced to pay for my 3rd timing belt and another set of brakes and tires)--flip-flopping between a 2007 and 2009 Accord at this point.

We never used a stroller until the Spawn was old enough for an umbrella stroller (which are like $30). Unless you plan on doing a lot of walking/jogging with the baby as exercise, they don't get much use. When the Spawn was a teenie-tiny, we had a car seat with an infant carrier and a baby sling . Nearly every place you go where you think you will need a stroller, like stores and malls, rents strollers for like $2, or has carts that you can just put the infant carrier in.

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16 Jan 2011 11:37 - 16 Jan 2011 11:38 #84888 by Dogmatix
Wife is a runner and does a lot of walking, so the stroller was her thing. I'm just the checkbook on that front. The sling made WAY more sense to me, which I suspect I'll be using most of the time...
Last edit: 16 Jan 2011 11:38 by Dogmatix.

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16 Jan 2011 12:55 #84899 by Not Sure
Get yourself a Babyhawk or Ergo, depending on which one fits you/her better. From then on, you'll find the stroller gathers dust.

I'm a somewhat tall dude, and strollers were always just a few inches too short for me. Put a little dude in a well-adjusted backpack thing and I could pack him around all day.

We didn't really figure this out until the second kid, so I'm giving you the inside track. Infant carrier for a while, then the baby-wearing thing until they insist they're going to walk on their own. Babyhawks can be made in awesome punk fabric designs for your young ameritrasher as well.

(F:AT parenting column strikes again)

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16 Jan 2011 13:13 - 16 Jan 2011 13:15 #84900 by ubarose
Not Sure wrote:

I'm a somewhat tall dude, and strollers were always just a few inches too short for me. Put a little dude in a well-adjusted backpack thing and I could pack him around all day.

(F:AT parenting column strikes again)

I totally forgot about that. Yeah, strollers were too short for the man to use them. Once the Spawn was older, he always preferred to carry her around in a back pack thing. I only used the umbrella stroller when I was out without him. And when I was out without him, there was no way I was going to be hauling a full sized stroller in and out of the back of the car on my own.

The only people I know that used their strollers were women that jogged who got jogging strollers (and those do cost a lot but the women who use them say they are totally worth it), and people with multiples or two or more kids under four at the same time who got double or triple strollers.
Last edit: 16 Jan 2011 13:15 by ubarose.

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17 Jan 2011 09:17 #84963 by Columbob
My 10-month old daughter loves to ride in her Snugli (facing forward), although it can get hot in the summer. Also useful for chores as she rides it when I vacuum the house.

We also have the stroller, but it's a pain to pack in our Mazda 3. We'll probably buy a bigger car this year.

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17 Jan 2011 10:12 #84973 by Bulwyf
After 6 months of us living with my mom we finally closed on our new house. It took that long to get us moved out of our old place, fix it up and staged for sale, sell it, find a new place, line up financing and then close. Now I get to fix up yet another house but at least this time I get to live in it long term. Now I can finally get my game collection out of storage.


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17 Jan 2011 10:33 #84976 by Gary Sax
Congrats, that must feel pretty good

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17 Jan 2011 18:38 #85013 by Not Sure
Today we bought snow park tickets. I'm trying to get the 8-year-old comfortable enough on a snowboard to do regular runs with lifts, and trying to get the younger one interested in snow.

I believe we're ready to rock, I haven't been snowboarding in so long the kid might be better than me after today.

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11 Feb 2011 11:23 #87614 by ubarose
Spark plugs, a car battery, new wiring for the furnace, and maybe some kind of in-take valve for the car. Oye! This is going to hurt.

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