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What ROLE-PLAYING have you been doing?

22 Jul 2012 02:28 #131111 by repoman

MattLoter wrote:
Also, Jeff Repo, 3.0 really? What's the beef with 3.5?

No beef really. When I decided I wanted to run a game again I just went with the books I had which happened to be 3.0.

Subsequently I have bought the Pathfinder stuff but I have to tell you, running the Next stuff was really a lot more fun for me.

That really gave me a hankering for more old school stuff and reading how somebody broke out the old Star Frontiers stuff and it made me re-read the rules. I think once this campaign ends I might get them to play some of that with me.

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22 Jul 2012 03:09 #131112 by Mr. White
I'm split on minis/non-minis. Sometimes minis can get tedious. Particularly when a battle is running a bit too long it can be difficult to 'hand-wave' and move it along if everyone can see the combat layout on the table. Going mini-less also allows you to get through a lot more story, and on many occasions the players (in my experience) will a be a bit more creative. Sometimes when the minis are out I feel the players worry about positioning and stuff more than the game warrants.

Regarding Star Frontiers, all of the rules are free which is an easy sell to a group. We have a few copies of the game in our group, but if you want to drum up interest without a cash outlay hit up the Star Frontiersman site.

These guys did a graphical overhaul and consolidation of the rules a few years back. Rules are the same, but updated the look of the material. They also put out the 'Star Frontiersman' magazine. Been about 17 issues so far.
The following user(s) said Thank You: JMcL63

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23 Jul 2012 00:06 #131145 by KingPut
I haven't done in RPGs in about 20 years but since we had 6 hour car ride Baltimore to CT, I asked my daughter to entertain us by running the family through the adventure she's working on. The whole family got some enganged in the thieves guild plot that missed the exit off the GW bridge in NY and ended up in Harlem. That put end to the game and lucky we had a GPS to get us back on the Highway.

Last week I had dinner with the 3 principal at Greenronin Games . Green Ronin has the RPG rights to Game of Thrones and DC Comics as well as a number of other cool looking RPGs. I'm planning on setting up an interview Chris Pramas sometime after WBC.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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23 Jul 2012 02:39 #131150 by Mr. White
Chris Pramas had a big hand in WFRP 2ed if not the lead designer. Can't wait for the interview. Awesome!

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23 Jul 2012 04:07 #131155 by JMcL63

Jeff White wrote: Chris Pramas had a big hand in WFRP 2ed if not the lead designer. Can't wait for the interview. Awesome!

Yep, Chris was head honcho at Green Ronin when they did WFRP2 for the Black Library. He wrote the WFRP2 core rulebook (at least). I remember that it was the quality of the writing in that book which struck me most forcefully after I'd got over all the obvious stuff about how well-produced it was, how well it treated the game, and so on. In fact, I rate WFRP2 as one of the best new editions of a game ever; up there with Blood Bowl 3, Space Hulk 2 and- dare I say it?- ASL. ;)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. White

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23 Jul 2012 04:51 - 23 Jul 2012 04:56 #131159 by Shellhead
I just started a 3.5 campaign today, using just the three core ruleboooks plus the Ptolus setting. It was a challenge, running for an 8-player group that included a total rookie and very experienced 3.5 dungeon master, plus various levels of skill in between. Delobius (of F:AT) is one of the players. I beefed up my encounters somewhat to handle a larger group, but they still stomped the npc villains.

As I mentioned upthread, I decided to use tokens instead of miniatures, for a massive savings in cost and prep time. Even so, the tokens took some work to create. I enjoyed running combats on a grid, though. It helps everybody play at a faster pace when they can clearly see where they are and what is going on around them.

The surprising part for some players was my lack of 3.5 experience. The last time I DM'd D&D was during 1st edition, and I haven't even played 3.5 in several years, unless the Temple of Elemental Evil PC game counts. I do have plenty of DM experience, and I prepped like crazy for this game, spending long hours studying the core books and the setting book. I even created various aids for running the game. For every PC and NPC token I created, I did another cheap token backed by cardboard instead of wood, and use that to track initiative on a chart. I even made a deck of combat modifier flash cards. If we are trying to work out combat modifiers in a complex situation, I just start slapping down any cards that fit, and then we can do the calculation quickly. I also downloaded flash cards covering all the spells in the 3.5 Players Handbook.

All that prep paid off, as we got in multiple battles, some role-playing, some clue-chasing and even some loot processing. To keep things moving along, I asked people to send me downtime emails for character stuff they want to do on their own. And I will send out an XP award email to everybody after I get around to calculating those amounts soon.
Last edit: 23 Jul 2012 04:56 by Shellhead.

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25 Jul 2012 00:06 #131286 by SuperflyPete

KingPut wrote: The whole family got some enganged in the thieves guild plot that missed the exit off the GW bridge in NY and ended up in Harlem. That put end to the game and lucky we had a GPS to get us back on the Highway.

I've kept dice in my car, in the glove box, for like 15 years. It's for this exactly. Sometimes, you need the edge to make that saving throw.

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25 Jul 2012 10:49 #131297 by KingPut

Jeff White wrote: Chris Pramas had a big hand in WFRP 2ed if not the lead designer. Can't wait for the interview. Awesome!

I'm planning on asking some questions about the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay WFRP days before FFG took everything inhouse but If you have some questions for me to ask Chris please Fat-mail me.

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25 Jul 2012 23:54 #131333 by dysjunct
I've been playing mostly DCC. I've been writing up the session reports, maybe I posted the link here but if not:

Thinking about starting Ars Magica but the rules density is about 4x what I'm looking for these days.

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11 Nov 2013 14:50 #164932 by DukeofChutney
Started a game of FFG's Starwars Edge of the empire. I'm playing rather than GM'ing which is neat.

The dice system does a lot of the weight lifting for the game and makes the GMs role a lot easier as they simply just choose dice to set difficulty rather than estimating numbers and probabilities. The rule book is a complete mess and really hard to reference. Hopefully FFG will get better at organizing rules in their later games.

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11 Nov 2013 17:34 #164947 by faceknives
I've just started running a nine month Paranoia High Programmers campaign. I won't consider it a success unless at least half the group has lost the power of speech by the finale.

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11 Nov 2013 17:57 #164952 by the_jake_1973
I have started a Savage Worlds Rippers campaign set in London circa 1850. I am enjoying melding historical events with weird science and arcane energies. For example, all arcanists need to be licensed by the Crown after burning down the House of Parliament a few years prior during a botched demonstration.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. White

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14 Nov 2013 19:55 #165214 by Rliyen
This weekend I'm going to run 2.0 of the Mutant Chronicles playtest. We're going to run a scenario kitbashed by lil ol me, as they know the playtest adventure a little too well.

After that, I am going to have them make characters in BSG RPG. It's going to be a Battlestar Not Galactica campaign. All new Cylons, new Final Five.

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14 Nov 2013 22:24 #165226 by Shellhead
My D&D 3.5 campaign is still going strong, since July 2012. I'm running the excellent Ptolus setting, and the players are currently exploring the Banewarrens, a repository of many ancient evils. There are excellent Ptolus miniature maps out there for all the adventures and some of the other city locations, some for sale and some fan-made. Using tokens instead of miniatures has worked out great. For About $75, I bought 1000 1" wooden discs and 200 2" wooden discs. I printed off pictures of various creatures and npcs to scale and used a craft glue to stick those pictures to the discs, with secondary copies mounted on cardboard to use on my initiative tracking sheet.

Of the original eight players, two quit early on, two quit a year later, and then I recruited two new players. The only bad part is that one of the former players was the really decisive guy who kept the group moving. Now sessions sometimed get bogged down in heavy planning and speculation by the players. At one point, we had three sessions in a row where players spent 90% of their time just planning things out like they were getting ready to pull the Italian Job.

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15 Nov 2013 00:46 #165237 by tscook
Finalized the character for my roommate's Eclipse Phase campaign, an uplifted surveillance AGI. The random character generator from Transhuman resulted in a fulfilling archetype to play, and it was easy to flesh out the rest.

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