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*and then not really, because I was awesome at STREET FIGHTER and could play for a long time on one quarter.
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Michael Barnes wrote: I was thinking about trying Inazuma Eleven on the 3DS, it's a JRPG soccer game.
I think there's a demo? Suggesting trying it first if possible. I can not get the hang of how to win the "battles" which are of course soccer games, and the rest of the game is fairly stock jrpg. You get these special soccer powers as you go through the game I think but I never really figured anything out. I can see you loving the weird soccer battles if you can figure them out or hating the terrible early 80s anime-ness of it.
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- Erik Twice
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You can play both online through MAME variants designed for online play. I mean, people play fighters and Magical Drop that way, so it must be possible.jeb wrote: TOURNAMENT CYBERBALL 2020 probably got more quarters out of me than any other game. Only STREET FIGHTER II is close.* Someone code that up for networked multiplayer. I will Can-o-Corn all you fools upside-down and sideways with my titanum running backs.
*and then not really, because I was awesome at STREET FIGHTER and could play for a long time on one quarter.
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Also played a game of Age of Empires II HD against 2 AI opponents last night. I played on easy and steamrolled them. I think there is a wide gulf between easy and normal. Also, the computer is so clearly a cheater it's not funny. They advance through the ages faster than I believe it's humanly possible to do so, and they crank out units much faster than I think a human could as well. To me, that is not creating an opponent that is fun to play against.
That aside, I'm having fun with this throwback title. I'm glad I bought it.
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Someone dropped into my game the other night and handed me a bunch of hacked shit. Like, an amulet that gains me 10,000,000,000 life per second. Or a billion experience for a monster kill, or 10 attacks per second with my DPS at 35 million. It was hilarious to see dozens and dozens of frogs fly out of me, and I gained literally 2600 paragon levels in a few seconds. But it wasn't fun. I junked the items. If you want a bunch of hacked shit, just play a public game for a few nights.
Hardcore Barb died against Belial at Lvl 37. C'est la guerre.
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Black Barney wrote: GAMES OF THRONES had episode ONE (Telltale Games) for free now on Xbox One so I downloaded it, haven't tried it. Loved Walking Dead season one to death and I love AGOT so I'm sure I'll like it.
Played through it on Tuesday night. Follows the events of the Red Wedding from S3 (yes, based on the show not the books). Features the actual actors' voices so that was cool, and it's also very much on par with the tone of the series (minus titty shots). I liked it and might get the rest.
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- Michael Barnes
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It's a really cool game, come to find out. It's kind of a roguelike- randomly generated dungeons and you get XP and choose from two upgrades at each level, shown as Magic-style cards. The action is definitely old timey FPS- circle strafing, flying skulls rushing at you, demons throwing fireballs that you can jump over. Weapons are all magic spells, and there seem to be A LOT of them. The bad guys are silly stuff- carrot and mushroom monsters on the early floors. It's sort of like Binding of Isaac meets Doom in more than a few ways.
It's also colorful and really quite family-friendly. No blood and gore.
Definitely worth $6 so far, I would have stayed up all night playing it but there was a PSN outage.
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- hotseatgames
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On a totally unrelated note, how cool does this sound:
Her Story is certainly not what you would call a traditional video game. Set entirely on a police computer database in the English town of Portsmouth, it breaks a lot of new ground in terms of blending its narrative and gameplay in fascinating new ways. The game tells a grounded, personal narrative that, while dark at times, fleshes out a terribly believable character arc that gripped me from start to finish.
Her Story is a nonlinear exploration of narrative with no set ending. You've been tasked with reviewing evidence relating to a murder case that took place during the mid-'90s. The problem is, Portsmouth Police had only just moved from an analogue series of VHS tapes over to its new digitized system, and as as a result, the tagging of clips isn't yet a perfected art form. Your database starts with the word murder ready to search, then leaves you to explore the unfolding case in whatever order interests you most.
From the first set of clips tagged murder, I had several options of which narrative thread to pull at first. Did I want to look for clips related to the victim's name first? Maybe I should try to track down the name of the person accused of the crime? Perhaps I wanted to go in a completely different direction and try to find references to the murder weapon on the database. Right from the start, several different avenues opened up and the number of narrative options to explore only expanded as I went deeper into the case.
It's for PC and iOS. Reviewer gave it a perfect 10/10: www.destructoid.com/review-her-story-294991.phtml
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- Erik Twice
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You can always play Team Fortress 2. It's far more strategical than any of those games, but it's the last "old-school FPS" of importance and, in my opinion, the best.Michael Barnes wrote: I don't have a copy of any of the Doom games, Quake or Serious Sam
As far as Her Story goes...I'm actively disinterested in the game because it seems everytime someone talks about how a game is not "traditional" and is about "narrative" what they almost invariably means is that it's has a lot of videos and you "choose" which one is displayed next. The best game narratives are those created by the actions of the player not by cutscenes.
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- hotseatgames
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- Erik Twice
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I think Team Fortress 2 is very comparable to Quake, specially since it started as a mod for it. The firefights work very similarly, there's the same focus on dodging, projectiles and controlling space and most classes Quake-styled weapon. It has a lot of twists and improvements to the basic engine, but it's the same engine.hotseatgames wrote: TF2 doesn't scratch any itch related to Doom or Quake though. It's too slow and there is only MP. Most FPS games these days are too slow, in fact.
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