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- hotseatgames
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I think the biggest issue is that seasons 1 and 2 had a direction, something they were working toward, and this season... doesn't. The term "Rudderless" comes to mind.
All but one main character (Sugar) end the season in the same position they started it in.
Also, put Uncle Cicero in every episode. He steals every scene.
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- Cranberries
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Lee got it the worst. He liked a black woman once. Let’s set him up with the only other black woman on the show despite the circumstance of their first meeting.
Production design and fights are still strong enough to keep me going, but I’m not giving my full attention until someone gets kicked.
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- hotseatgames
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- Cranberries
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Cranberries wrote: I'm rewatching The West Wing for about the fifth time, as comfort tv, except it feels very different to me now. Jed Bartlett and most of the staff seem insufferably smug, with the mandatory moments of kindness. The sentimental, crescendo-ing sound track feels heavy and sometimes maudlin. Really, if I weren't liberal, I would see most of the cast as terrible, elitist people who are as convinced of their virtue and ability to plan for the future as Stalin was. Donna is pure, as is Charlie and Mrs. Landingham. The thing is, they are so charismatic that I also love the characters, although I can no longer tolerate Jed and his wife. The pomposity, the comfort with and desire for power. I should read the Robert Caro series on Lyndon B. Johnson and rewatch this. That would be an interesting exercise. I realize this is probably a cold take, and that I am a little naive.
Aaron Sorkin says if he were scripting Biden stepping down, he would have the democrats nominate Mitt Romney.
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Aaron Sorkin says if he were scripting Biden stepping down, he would have the democrats nominate Mitt Romney.
www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/opinion/biden...ng-aaron-sorkin.html [/quote]
Yeah, I'd buy that for a dollar.
Sounds like the Democrats will pick the second worst possible candidate besides Hillary Clinton though, go figure.
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- hotseatgames
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hotseatgames wrote: House of the Dragon continues to be boring as fuck. I'm the idiot for continuing to watch it. At least the dragons themselves have been fucking shit up lately.
I read a comment referring to it as House of the Draggin' which feels right.
I'm so over Daemon and his visions. That is one of the dumbest narrative decisions I've seen in years. They took their best, most dynamic character and stuck him on the shelf for the entire season?! Daemon is now the Bran of HotD. When the show cuts over to him, I let out an audible groan of boredom.
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All the more frustrating because I could plot out 8 eps with a lot more pizazz and cliffhangers. And depending on where they actually want to end this story (only 1 more season left, I think, maybe 2?) there is SO MUCH to get through that it's odd they are spending so much time on this prelim stuff
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jason10mm wrote: Agreed. I guess they didn't have the time or budget for some of the battles (2 years though, seems like they coulda done more) but the decision to pop in on every character EACH episode, and introduce Hugh, Ulf, and Addam/Alyn so early, was an odd choice. I think we are seeing the lack of Michael Sopochnick this season and a general lack of "each episode must POP" directive in favor of a more languid show.
All the more frustrating because I could plot out 8 eps with a lot more pizazz and cliffhangers. And depending on where they actually want to end this story (only 1 more season left, I think, maybe 2?) there is SO MUCH to get through that it's odd they are spending so much time on this prelim stuff
I felt like season 1 was 7 episodes of throat-clearing, followed by 3 episodes that actually started telling the story they wanted to tell. I'm wondering if season 2 is going to follow a similar pattern. Although with only 8 episodes this season, that would mean the good stuff needs to start happening, like, now.
I started reading the Westeros fake history book, "Blood and Fire." It's hilarious to me how far George Martin has crawled up his own ass with this stuff. He's clearly way more invested in what King Whoever Targaryen was doing 200 years prior, than he is in writing book 6. Filling in every possible nook and cranny of the lore has taken over writing narrative fiction. Regardless, it's kind of interesting to read, although it's a bit dry.
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- Jackwraith
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Then he released Fire and Blood and I was like: "Well, if we can't get a book (meaning novel) about current times, at least we can get one about older times." And, yet, as you say, it's not a novel. It's another detailed history, just like the one I'd read in The World of Ice and Fire, but even more detailed because it focuses on the history of the Targaryens. You know who's also a central player in the history of the whole Westerosi world? The Targaryens. I got 50 pages into Fire and Blood and put it down because I was rereading the same material I'd read in the other book. I wanted a story and they were just selling me an updated version of the Britannica.
So, yeah. I'm off the train. I don't really care if he ever finishes Winds or Time of Summer or whatever it's supposed to be called. It's not a work of novels anymore. It's not a story. It's an RPG world and a massive collection of sourcebooks where you can make your own stories because he's not interested in writing them anymore. And if people want that, hey, have at it. But I'm done. The fact that House of the Dragon was a waste of time was just further reinforcement of that.
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