I’ve always been attracted by the idea of a collectible game. I like the concept of a game that remains fresh and alive over the course of several years. It sounds cool to be able to create the kind of experience you want, and to compete against friends who have created their own experience. But in practice, I really don’t have the stomach for a collectible game. Five-dollar packs of cards add up quickly, and many collectible games end up consuming all other games in their path. In fact, I know several CCGers who speak of their time in the collectible world like recovering addicts. It’s like an episode of The Biggest Loser, except most gamers have the decency to leave their shirts on. And don’t get me started on the guy who learns some amazing combo or deck on the internet, and then proceeds to ruin the game for his friends. Even when people aren’t copying some deck from the internet, I have almost zero patience for poring over stacks of cards to decide whether I want three or four copies of Greater Derpstorm in my deck. That means that I will be summarily defeated by the guy who has fine-tuned his deck like a very nerdy muscle car. And that doesn’t even touch on the money pit that is the collectible miniatures world.