You might have read a couple of reviews of Rockstar’s smash hit RED DEAD REDEMPTION that have compared the Old West-set sandbox game to classic western cinema and without a doubt the game is haunted by the silver-screen ghosts of everything from the obvious Sergio Leone references to slightly more obscure ones like PAT GARRETT AND BILLY THE KID.And it’s got to be either the Spaghetti Western classic DJANGO or the apocalyptic finale of THE WILD BUNCH that inspired the writers to end about half of the story missions in the game with a gatling gun massacre. But a more apt comparison would be the notorious box office dud HEAVEN’S GATE, a sprawling, epic mess that fails to hold together for its duration despite intermittent brilliance and some truly beautiful elements that are unique in the Western canon.RED DEAD REDEMPTION has ambition, scope, and at least two handfuls of moments that are quite literally among the most stunning that I have ever experienced in video gaming.