Let me pontificate on the skills of the average honey bee. Have you ever seen the intricate way they build honeycombs? Aren’t you just amazed at how simply beautiful these creations are and how aesthetically pleasing they look? And have you ever seen them heading to a hive? It’s called a “beeline” for a reason. They are practically infallible at returning as quickly as possible. And that is to say nothing of the intricate dance they do to relay that information to other bees! That is why I feel that the extraordinary honey bee is perfectly suited to not only decorate a cake of which would make the Great British Baking Challenge jealous but also navigate a maze at extraordinary speed. As for the sumo wrestling contest...you can’t push what you can’t catch..As they say, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
“Doesn’t a bee die after they sting someone?”
“Shut up Carl.”