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We are really happy to have you here. Unfortunately, being online we can't bond with you over a game so you'd know right away how happy we are to meet you. For now, you'll just have to take our word for it.
This site has always thrived on lively discussion and spirited but civil debate. We hope that newcomers here will find a welcoming atmosphere where game enthusiasts of all levels of experience and commitment will have something to add to the conversation. You never need to prove your “gamer cred” here. Whether you have been playing board games for a few months or a few decades; whether you have a huge collection or a small one; whether you have been a member here for years or just joined today – your opinion is valued here.
We know that it can be intimidating to jump into a new community and want to assure you that this is NOT the kind of forum where people will tell you that you posted something in the wrong place, or that you should have found an existing thread on the topic, or that you shouldn’t have resurrected an old thread.
So if you find a thread or an article discussion that interests you, whether it is old or new, feel free to jump in. Want to discuss a specific game or board gaming related topic just start a new topic. If you don’t know which forum to put it in, just make your best guess (we really don’t care all that much. It’s easy enough for a moderator to move it or merge it, if necessary).
A good place to get started is by introducing yourself in the “New Members Introduce Yourself” thread (below) or by telling us what you have been playing in the “What BOARD GAME(s) have you been playing?" thread ( therewillbe.games/forum/35-mos-eisley-ca...ave-you-been-playing ).
Have fun, and we look forward to hearing from you.
The Regulars
- Mr Skeletor
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This list is only for people who have gone beyond wiener rank (100 posts). Once you post count is over 100 please add a brief (one paragraph) description of yourself and how you would characterize yourself.
I reserve the right to put an editors note at the end of each bio providing users with additional information about you (from my perspective) that I feel they should know.
In the interests of keeping the long term viability of this thread Please only post your mini bio on this thread and nothing else, any discussions that begin will be deleted.
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- Mr Skeletor
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I am a short tempered cranky Australian who doesn’t suffer fools lightly. I am a staff writer on Fortress Ameritrash – though I haven’t been doing much of that lately – and also run these boards. I tend to call a spade a spade and don’t believe in pissing in peoples pockets, so if I have something to say to you you’ll hear it.
I believe in honesty and freedom of expression and so run very liberal boards. I don’t believe in playing favorites and try to be as fair and impartial as I can when moderating the boards. I try and accept criticism as I much prefer to hear that then bullshit. I do find excessive whining annoying however. As a basic rule of thumb if I find you entertaining you’ll get away with murder, if I find you a bore you wont get away with much.
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Juniper (aka St. Elvis)
Juniper is actually the name of my tiny dog. The username is essentially an accident that dates back to the old days when Fortress: Ameritrash was a blog on blogger.com. I'm a cranky Canadian with a cuddly heart of gold, and I'm a staff writer here. I like Eurogames, especially those designed by Knizia, but I think that internet discussion surrounding these games has largely been dominated by opinionated idiots with bizarre critical standards.
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- Dr. Mabuse
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- Ambassador of Truth
I'm a more or less laid back Canadian who prefers to watch a lot and comment now and again here on F:AT. You'll find me playing games of ACTS Titan online or whatever else I can muster the courage to play. I LURVE playing AT games and select Euros like T&E, Bohnanza, Carcassonne etc.
Oh yeah call me a spade or ask me to play Race For The Galaxy, I'll probably laugh right before kicking your nutsack up into your fucking throat.
So much for being laid back.
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I hate myself for loving you.
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One of my co-workers has put up a sign under my name plate at work that says "I will try to be nicer, if you try to be less stupid." I am trying.
I'm supposed to be responsible for Fortress: Ameritrash tech support. I am trying.
My Man says that I'm just plain trying. KingPut agrees.
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Wargamer, science fiction fan, old guy that likes going to shows. I play ameritrash when I'm not playing wargames. My wife beats me at ameritrash boardgames, I play more ameritash with her than with anyone else. If you don't like Last Night on Earth there's something wrong with you. If you like games with auctions and if you think "the screwage factor" is cool go see a psychiatrist and get the fuck away from me. BTW if I saw you at a game gathering and you said "the screwage factor" is cool I would tell you to get the fuck away from me in person too. I have no intention of ever being in the Special Olympics so I'm not going to argue on the internet either. Remember, even if you win you're still retarded.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
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- Notahandle
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...is also notabiowriter.
Started using T.O.S. to refer to BGG and am amused that it caught on enough that even Ocatavian has adopted it. I'm in an unpopular minority here due to being the only one (probably) who likes clearclaw. Designer of the game "Settlers of Catatonic". Not be taken seriously.
Currently enjoying: Dominion, Manoeuvre, Ghost Stories. Sitting Ducks Gallery, Factory Fun, Vesuvius, Space Dealer.
Looking forward to playing: Xmas Penguins, Chandragupta, Mwahahaha!, Napoleon's Triumph, Wicked Witches Way, Aggersborg, Pink Godzilla Dev Kit, Snow Tails.
Favourites: Conquest (by Donald Benge), Santorini, Last Night on Earth, Space Crusaders, Fortress America.
Other most played: The Creature That Ate Sheboygan, Shogun (the original MB one), Titan, Race for the Galaxy, Awful Green Things from Outer Space.
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I try to keep a cool head in all things. I believe people have the right to say what they want, no matter how stupid that turns out to be.
I was once called the "Doctor of the Ameritrash Movement", but Matt has taken over the game theory and technique articles and does a fine job with them.
My favorite style of game by far is the adventure genre.
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- Michael Barnes
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- Mountebank
- Posts: 16929
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- Writer/reactionary about board games here at F:AT and at Gameshark.com
- Currently obsessed with OGRE
- Likes some Euros
- Once bit the head off a Meeple
- Fighting to destroy board gaming community by hurting feelings with such hate speech as "I think RACE FOR THE GALAXY sucks"
- SF/Fantasy novel snob (Gene Wolfe yes, Terry Goodkind no)
- Currently listening to David Bowie from "Station to Station" to "Scary Monsters" but likes an awful lot of music...including The Fall.
- Likes movies a whole, whole lot.
- Believes that most board gamers are fat, lazy, bearded, middled-aged, hygenically/fashion incompetent fanny-pack and white reebok wearing aspergers/asthma sufferers with little or no chance of developing relationships outside of the hobby.
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I'm Jon, 25 years old, and I live in Virginia. This puts me close enough to MD and PA that I can attend conventions there, but after my first experience going with a friend and not knowing anyone else I ended up opting now to always meet up with folks from here and that's worked out quite well thus far.
I like Sci Fi and Fantasy and Post-Apoc/Zombie books, games, and movies.
I rarely buy games because I rarely play them - I should make more time for that, but haven't yet. I play at conventions and other isolated gatherings with old gaming friends. Ameritrash games are clearly my favorite.
Also, I love ska.
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One of the first online forums that I participated in was pretty rough, in terms of sarcasm and fierce arguments. They always warned new people to "wear a helmet." So I became Shellhead. (Also, I've been a fan of Iron Man for a long time.)
I'm a tall fitness freak from the Midwest area of the U.S. I'm also a published game designer, and you can actually see my name listed as co-designer in the rulebook to Vampire: Dark Influences. However, I make steady money at my accounting job, so I will probably never bother getting another one of my designs published.
For most of my life, I've been an AmeriTrash gamer, but I didn't have a sense of identity about it until I stumbled across the AmeriTrash-EuroGamer conflict at BGG. Then I knew that I was an AmeriTrash gamer. My growing discontent with boardgames came from too many of my friends playing too many EuroGames, starting in the late '90s. These days I host my own semi-regular AmeriTrash gaming days.
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- southernman
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Friendly Kiwi (New Zealander ... you know where it is ... yeah, that one a few thousands miles ahead of Australia down under) now exiled in the UK.
I like a variety of Ameritrash games and do play the odd eurogame but find very few interest me. Plastic figures and vehicles blasting anything that moves, and gameplay that sees people creating havoc while having fun has to be a good thing.
To keep the site free from dangerous infiltrators I will infrequently put up a grumpy fascade in the forum that has been known to scare new-borns and the odd eurogamer.
I will not hear a bad thing said about the worlds premier sport - rugby union.
I am not that old.
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bitter, angry brit. washed up failure at 31. all i have to point to is an extensive record collection of 1990s indie rock and hardcore punk vinyl. pretty much everything sucks. war games are better but i enjoy AT, and euros with the right people. do not make me play efficiency exercises or take too long to make your turn. post something inflammatory and walk away. let everyone get on with it. don't even bother coming back to see what they wrote. don't read my posts. they are worthless. i'd rather drink a beer with you than reply to your post where you point out how stupid i am.
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The games I like the most are the games that make memories, make people laugh or shout, tell a story, take you on an adventure, make you feel like you're about to have a stroke because it's so tense, make you feel part of something really epic, and give everyone something to talk about later. Most of all, I want to have fun.
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