This week is going to be crazy busy for me so I think I can be patient for one or two more players. Another option would be to put our game up on the cryptic comet forums and hope that the people there are just as cool as the F:ATties.
Looks like my week is going to be MUCH more crazy than I thought. This morning at 1:02 A.M. I became a father. So maybe I'm not going to be a very attentive opponent.
Looks like my week is going to be MUCH more crazy than I thought. This morning at 1:02 A.M. I became a father. So maybe I'm not going to be a very attentive opponent.
Heck yes, with Mike in on this we would just need one more player or we could toss in some AI fodder. This game is fucking awesome and I've been itching to give it a shot against some real people.
I'm not sure if I should host this one. I'm only near the internet at odd intervals during the day. So while I can be relied on to turn in a turn but, receiving those turns processing them and mailing them to all the players might be kinda laggy if that is my task. Not trying to be lazy, but my boy is still in the NICU for a couple of days and driving back and forth to the hospital is time consuming. If someone wants to take on the task of hosting, they can send me an invite at beuks33 at gmail dot com.
Hey, sorry for the dealayed response. I'm all over the place here at the end of semester. I'm still down, but my caveat is that I too am expecting a baby any day now (weird!), so I would have to go AI in that event. Also, because of that imminent addition to the family, I'm not a good long-term host, but I could certainly start off hosting.
I'm making dinner right now, but in a couple of hours I'll reread how to setup a pbem game and post back here. Get your archfiends ready!
Okay, all I need email addresses and I can send out the invites. Beuks, I have yours. Barnes, should I get in touch with Bill Abner directly? You could ask him to email me at jhlutes_at_gmail_dot_com.