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Request for Assistance: RPG Recommendations
- John Myers
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I was hoping the forum could help me out with some RPG recommendations. A friend of mine has asked me to run a role playing game for her brother's bachelor party. According to her he likes D&D type games and Lovecraft. In addition she is expecting 9 to 11 people of varying levels of gaming experience to play.
Combining Lovecraft with a dark fantasy setting isn't to hard and can be accommodated with pretty much any game. My plan is pre-make all of the characters in advance But I was debating about what would be the best system to use and I would really appreciate any feedback you all might have.
So far my thoughts are:
- Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC): I know he (the soon-to-be-ex-bachelor) likes DCC and it looks like a lot of fun, but I am worried about two things, one is that having each person run multiple characters might be a little too challenging for new players and with each player running up to four characters that could be up to 40 characters in play at the beginning. The other issue is that it looks like there are a lot of +4/-2 type mechanics and that might be a little too much to keep in my head with a big group, especially if some of the players need help learning the ropes.
- Dungeon World: I like the Apocalypse World system and the more role play-ey mechanics seem like they might be better for a big group, in my experience bigger groups do better with the "let's all free-from a story" style of role playing rather than the old school mechanics heavy style. I am worried about how hard it is to generate a lot of characters in this system, especially if I want to have some back ups in case people die (which I want to be an option to keep things scary and Lovecrafty)
- D&D 5th Edition: I have heard good things about 5th edition but my experiences with 3.5/Pathfinder and 4th Edition lead me to believe they were almost unplayable without miniatures, which is something I don't want to deal with (it seems bad for a party environment).
- FAE: With a big group FATE/FAE seems to lend itself well to the "let's all tell a story together" style of play and the light mechanics might be easier to manage, but I would rather run a game designed for a swords and sorcery setting than an open ended one.
Thank you for any help in advance. And sorry for using role play-ey and Lovecrafty as if they were real words.
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DCC strikes me as a great choice. You're in a one shot so who cares too much if it's brutal, and it's pernicious enough to create some good times and good laughs.
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DukeofChutney wrote: 11 is a big group for a game. I'm familiar with the first three on the list and i'd be inclined to go DCC. Its probably the most upfront fun, though Dungeon World might have an edge over it as a narrative builder. However with a big group that are chucking down beers DCC is golden. D&D has a brand label, and is more complex than the other two (although you can download a basic version that is pretty sound for free) and is more for the traditional D&D audience that want to push numbers up on their character.
DCC sounds wild, but probably a poor choice for eleven players of varying rpg experience who are also drinking. 44 characters is too damn many.
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And the rules are free online here: www.lotfp.com/RPG/
Here is an image search from the various products: www.google.com/search?q=lamentations+of+...xGMKHQ-BAscQ_AUIBygC
Here is a great short review of a lot of their products: dungeonsdonuts.tumblr.com/post/133219718...of?is_related_post=1
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I think that DCC RPG could work well if you run a funnel and allow each player to roll up a single 0-level villager. When someone dies, they're out of play temporarily until the party finds new villagers, at which point they can rejoin as a new character. While they're out of play, you can optionally have them control monsters during fights, which in a party situation can work great as they try to kill their friends. Metalface mentions Sailors on a Starless Sea , the go-to funnel adventure and perfect for a one-shot. It's not Lovecraftian per se, but certainly qualifies as pulp horror.
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I think DCC is a great choice for players of varying levels of experience and sobriety. The experienced players can enjoy the piss-take on dungeon delving; the less experienced can thrill to the joys of robbing tombs for gold and murdering innocents in the process. Both of those are compatible with lots of different sobriety levels.
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- John Myers
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