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Let's talk about OVERWATCH

17 May 2016 14:29 - 01 Jun 2016 13:13 #227617 by jeb
I bit on the pre-order. I am not in the Beta. Haven't played it yet. Watched about 10 minutes of streaming (LolanaNirvana) and saw a couple of the little background movies (which are great). It's Blizzard, so it'll be pretty good. It's console (PS4 for me) so it won't be a completely hacked shitshow. It's an FPS, which, while not normally my thing, certainly can be, given my investment in DESTINY.

Looks like TEAM FORTRESS 2, all gussied up. I would like a story, sure, but it's not like I need one in ROCKET LEAGUE either. Sometimes I just want to get out there and shoot some shit and hold some zones.
Last edit: 01 Jun 2016 13:13 by jeb. Reason: new title

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17 May 2016 14:32 #227618 by Black Barney
I played the Beta a whole bunch and really enjoyed it. One of the bonuses of playing Halo competitively is that most other shooters really seem easy cuz the competition is so much worse. Got a quad-kill during the Beta and made a really fun highlight clip from it using Overwatch's 'highlights' system, super fun.

I HATE that teh game will be 80$ or something on consoles but only 40$ on steam! I think it's too expensive for consoles so i will LIKELY skip. But I really dug the Beta. I don't think it'll be a super fun game to lone wolf (read: play solo) but with only one friend, you can really have a good time.
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17 May 2016 14:59 - 17 May 2016 15:02 #227621 by jeb
Barney, I know you had and dumped DESTINY, but was the PvP competition there to your liking? One thing I like about DESTINY is the tiered nature of PvP, along with the modes. You can just goof off with a bunch of jokers running around for loot in Iron Banner, or you can play the "real" PvP games in the Crucible, OR you can play the sweatiest sweats of Trials of Osiris against all the other douchebags.

And the modes, man, Clash (6v6), Rumble (free-for-all), Control (6v6 Zone Combat), Zone Control (6v6 Zone Only), Salvage (Relic management), Skirmish (3v3 with revives), Rift (Kind of... rugby?), plus Inferno on some of those, plus Mayhem on some, or Skirmish 2v2, &c &c.

I settled on Control as my preferred playground, Mayhem is always fun too, given how many Scatter grenades I can throw, but they put a lot of work into finding a spot for folks. From what I have seen so far, it looks like the OVERWATCH game shifts within the game itself.
Last edit: 17 May 2016 15:02 by jeb.

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17 May 2016 15:59 #227623 by hotseatgames
I was ignoring this game, and then started hearing all this good buzz.... then I found out it wasn't free, and went back to ignoring it. What does this game have that Team Fortress 2 doesn't have?

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17 May 2016 17:28 #227628 by Black Barney
I burned out on TF2 after not much time. Overwatch feels fresh and very nicely balanced.

Jeb, I played Destiny for a lengthy amount of time and only the Crucible compares to Overwatch. Crucible was very tight, high skill focused and flawless game play. Overwatch seems to have a much stronger MOBA element to it which I typically hate but really enjoy in Overwatch. I don't know why.

Control was my favorite Destiny mode as well just like Domination in CoD.

The collectible elements in loot boxes was pretty fun too in Overwatch
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17 May 2016 17:36 - 17 May 2016 17:36 #227629 by Black Barney
Here's a really good explanation on why I like Overwatch. There are some classes, the slayer, assault type classes, who have very high skill ceilings. You have to be really good and practiced to fully abuse these classes. They don't get much aim assist and you need to be able to routinely hit head shots to be great with them. You are rewarded by their high agility and smaller hit boxes. The support, defender and Support classes have much lower skill ceilings so a bunch of below average players using these guys can do pretty well. There's a great video of the world's best Destiny player getting totally owned by a bunch of dwarves laying turrets everywhere. The guy is screaming and swearing like crazy cuz he's so frustrated. It's a hilariously fun thing to watch and speaks volumes to why Overwatch is good. It's not going to be a big MLG game or anything and that's fine with me.
Last edit: 17 May 2016 17:36 by Black Barney.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb

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17 May 2016 23:56 #227644 by jeb
I just read that Torbjorn (the dwarf turret guy) got nerfed a little. Apparently Team Six Torbjorn was becoming a thing. I saw video of a team that played six of the Ice Wall Support hero and just kept alternating Ice Walls to keep the other team out, but then the other team switched ALSO to six Ice Wall heros and the whole level was a frozen nightmare.

This looks right up my alley--I cannpt take these things seriously.
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18 May 2016 07:49 #227650 by Black Barney
Oh no! They nerfed my dwarf already ?! He's my favourite ! There's a couple of other guys that I really like anyway. That's the beauty of the game, there are so many characters, it's impossible that you'll only like one of them

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19 May 2016 08:50 #227765 by Jackwraith
Torbjorn has been nerfed or buffed several times in the beta. I've been in it since the second round (October?) and the two toons that have given them the most problems are Torbjorn (build a turret in the right spot which tracks, targets, and fires better than any human player and then go cover another spot on your own OR leave a turret which, like any AI, can't account for innovative play and which gets wiped easily and then the dwarf himself has little power (kinda like Rexxar in Heroes of the Storm)) and Bastion. In both cases, it was a marked divide between average players and highly skilled players, the former couldn't deal with those two at all and the latter often found them pathetically easy. Many of the others have had a couple tweaks here and there but those two have had radical changes up and down the power scale as people adapted or failed to throughout the beta. Some, like Reaper and Winston, haven't been touched but have cycled in and out of the meta as people have learned how to play them. At the point of release, I'd say the one character that still has a major flaw is Zenyatta, but we'll see what the balance team does.

Hotseat, the reason I'd say the game is worth checking out is partially described above: the variety of characters, play modes, and battlegrounds kinda puts TF2 to shame. I didn't play as much in the beta as I probably should have, since I was so deep into a couple other games, but it can be really fun, especially if you have friends to play with. It's also Blizzard's first dive into built-in voice chat in one of their games which they claim to be spreading to as a whole, once they figure out the tech to do so. Like most team games (like, say, TF2...), once you get a strategy going, it's a blast. You can also switch characters every time you die, so you can counter opposing team picks on the fly, which is an interesting dynamic that not many (any?) other FPS' or MOBAs have.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, hotseatgames

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24 May 2016 10:51 #228012 by jeb
That dwarf is fine. If you get "Defend the waypoint" he's awesome. I don't even know how he works and I killed 12 dudes on a 10 kill streak and I don't even know the map.

This game is a good time. It is like TEAM FORTRESS 2 except a lot more interesting. There are like 20 chars and they are unique. They play very differently individually and differently depending on your team. I was the angel one (the names will escape me for a while) and I was paired with tanks and just healing everyone all the time. Paired with "snipers" I was buffing damage and assisting on a ridiculous number of kills with little potshots. A couple of timely "Heroes Never Die!" and we were moving that escort point at speed.

Maybe it'll wear off, but I feel very comfortable playing DESTINY for story and OVERWATCH for PvP.

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24 May 2016 11:22 #228015 by Gary Sax
I am 100% not the audience for this game, but it looks REALLY good from the quicklook I say on giantbomb.
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24 May 2016 17:59 #228063 by jeb
Read Eric's review:

I disagree on a couple of points and agree on most. The review indicates it's always "control," but that's not quite true--at least not how I'm used to it from DESTINY. Some maps are just like that. There's a zone, go control it. Others are there's a zone being defended, go TAKE it. The other team gets 30 sec to "set up" the defense before you get to leave the spawn area. Then there are escort missions where the Zone "moves" and you defend it as it lumbers along--that naturally leads your defense into choke points you need to think ahead about.

As for "narrowness" on the maps, there is a vertical element to most of them that some characters can exploit. Yes, you can be funneled on some and get wrecked, But this is where the Hero Switching on respawn can really change the game. Take Grodd (or whatever--he's right about the stereotypes), and get that massive leap to use the rooftops. Take Shieldguy (?) and have an Angel-lady backup to take that hallway with firepower behind. Use Widowmaker to snipe out the turret or problem and swing in. Teamwork is critical to beat some of the these pinch points and it really helps out.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Erik Twice

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25 May 2016 05:47 - 25 May 2016 05:48 #228114 by Erik Twice
I'm genuinely surprised at at how many people have told me they mostly agree with my review, I thought I was gonna get roasted.

But yeah, Jeb, you are right that the control thing is a bit imprecise. I'm actually a bit unhappy with that part of the review, I feel it's not really descriptive and kind of filler-looking. But yeah, what I meant is that it's a game about holding control points or pushing a mobile control point unlike Counter-Strike or Quake

I think the best example of what I mean with the maps is Anubis. Anubis opens with this moderately open area and then suddenly narrows down to two character-sized doors and an arch flying characters can rest on. And...Hanamura, I think it is, has the same: It opens with a wider area that barely has any fighting going on because it's much easier to defend where the map is reduced to a Mei-blockable area and an obvious little window on a side. I feel this makes the game very linear, dunno.

But yeah. I'm glad you found it interesting, Jeb :)
Last edit: 25 May 2016 05:48 by Erik Twice.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb

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25 May 2016 13:29 #228156 by Jackwraith
Just FYI:

the angel one = Mercy
the dwarf = Torbjörn
Grodd = Winston
Shieldguy = Reinhart

I disagree with the "narrowness" assertion. There are many ways to flank your opponents on every map, even Anubis, which was the subject of considerable controversy during the beta, since average players found it next-to-impossible to win as the attacker while good players found it too easy because of the number of ways that the second area can be approached (which is why the spawn point for the defense is both so close and pretty sheltered from enemy attacks for much of the run back.)

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25 May 2016 14:44 #228166 by jeb
I am getting better at the names! It takes time for me. Genetics or something.

This game is tons of fun and really frustrating at the same time. I gotta get a decent mic, because sometimes my team is a bunch of total fuckups. I spent one match tyring to convince them using gestures and emotes and shit to actually take the control point. They would get into these firefights like 50m away. Big firefights! Very interesting! Lots of eliminations! But ... the clock is ticking and we are at ZERO on the point. We finished at zero. Someone on my team had 20+ eliminations. Just.. just do that ON THE POINT. It was crazy-making.

I am trying to be better about switching. I need to assess the situation and deal with it. I wasn't in the Beta, so I feel my n00bishness at times when someone starts fucking schooling my whole squad with Mei. Right now I am comfortable in these roles:
  • I have Soldier76 for rapid deployment and staying power—he lasts way longer than he should.
  • Zenyatta for Escort advancement, because his Super is sick and can move that thing all by itself. The Discord Orb is underestimated.
  • Pharrah for mob management, I swap here when I see them bunching up or using Mei a lot to channel.
  • Winston for Control, his Shield is great at stopping a lot of fire and jumping into the fray with his huge leap is very disruptive.

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