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Let's talk about OVERWATCH

11 Aug 2016 09:48 #231799 by Black Barney
my earlier prediction of Ana being on optimal teams was way off. Here are the optimal builds of top competitive teams based on the latest patch:

King of the Hill (KOTH)
• Lucio
• Zen
• Zarya
• Winston
• Tracer (probably for stalling Overtime)
• Genji!!

• Lucio
• Zen
• Zarya
• Reindhart
• Genji!!
• Mcree

• Lucio
• Zen
• McCree
• Reindhart !!!
• Reaper
• Zarya!!

In overall general usage
1. Lucio
2. Zen
3. Zarya
4. McCree
5. Reinhart
6. GenjI!! (wow)

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11 Aug 2016 11:46 #231822 by Jackwraith

Black Barney wrote: You guys are describing Lucio wrong. He doesn't have AoE healing like Zen does. He has line of sight healing.

It's LOS to everyone within 30 meters, so effectively AoE healing. Also, Zenyatta only heals a single target with his orb.

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11 Aug 2016 11:49 #231824 by Black Barney
Are you sure? I'm positive I'm healing people WAY out there that I can see. Everything I've read and heard is that it's line-of-sight.

Zen's stupid harmony orb is his only healing? I don't know why Zen keeps putting it on me (Lucio) instead of our tank. Is it because I'm the one healing the tank? I guess that makes sense then..

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11 Aug 2016 12:23 #231828 by Frohike
Replied by Frohike on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH

Black Barney wrote: He should be holding the rear against flankers with Zen. He has zero business in the front lines.

Totally disagree on KOTH. He can and should skate around the objective like a spaz and use sonic boom to shove people off of the point. The environmental kills are incidental but effective (Illios or Nepal). I agree that he's probably not frontline on the payload stuff, but he's definitely in the fray on KOTH or he's not doing his job.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Black Barney

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11 Aug 2016 12:26 #231829 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH
Your tank has a shield or is a fat pig (Roadhog4L) and won't die for a long time anyway unless things are really going badly. Lucio will die if McCree or Soldier 76 appears on screen. It's way more important to keep Lucio alive than the tank in the situation where you can only pick one.

The wiki:

Crossfade: Crossfade creates a continuous, permanent aura around Lúcio, affecting all allies within a large area who are within his line of sight. Lucio can activate Crossfade to switch between two different versions of this aura: a healing aura that slowly restores the health of all affected allies, or a speed aura that increases the movement speed of all affected allies. Lúcio always begins with the speed aura up after respawning.

It's Line of Sight, but in my experience Overwatch is pretty forgiving on this front given the goddamned around-the-corner shots Zenyatta orbs can take. "Give your body to the rhythm!"

The highend optimal team info is cool, but it doesn't have a lot to do with how I pick. I am not playing on a highend team. I don't need to squeeze every last dps out of my 8 minute game. And again--it ignores the actual cool thing about this game: switching heroes to deal with the in-game meta.

I had the most hilarious game on Hanamura (Attack). I take Genji on this map every time. I have my path all worked out. Rush the landing on the left, wall-climbing up there. There will be turrets and all kinds of hell launched at me, but I can sword strike left very quickly and land on the 250 health pack that's over there. Turn right as the edge approaches, scale that wall and you are on the ledge above and behind the Objective (a +100 health pack here too). While all this is going on your tanky teammates are heading to the gate and starting the skirmish there. This skirmish brings the opponents to bear force on the gate and I can drop down (or shoot through the back window if needed.

So, I do my thing here and drop in--no Symettra turrets this time. and I go sit in the corner by the stairs, claiming the objective. I even kneel down. I look like a little smudge back there on the other side of the big bell. I just chill and take the Objective! Then I run to the left and make the hop to the piles outside the second Objective, sword strike into the room itself and again--squat down in the corner by the stairs. The opponents' Widowmaker is trying to set up for sniping the doorway, Bastion is clanking away above and behind me, I am just sitting there! Eventually Roadhog notices someone is taking the point and I have to jam out, but I took all of the first and 2/3 of the second without the other team even knowing I was there. Hilarious.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Black Barney, Frohike

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11 Aug 2016 14:24 #231842 by Black Barney
Frohike, i think for KOTH maps, your mistakenly pronouncing Tracer as Lucio. That's totally her role, to blink about the objective and do exactly what you're saying. Lucio's not THAT fast and he needs to have his healing song going while others are taking the objective. Not the speed boost.

Jeb, the console version is so different cuz there's almost no way for McCree to kill Lucio cuz he can't aim well on console. I'm jumping around and am not providing a good target. Plus, I'm at the back lines so McCree is not dealing with the front lines which should be killing him at that point if he's distracted by Lucio in da back. My personal hell as Lucio has been dealing with Junkrat, Pharoah or MAYBE snipers if I'm being lazy and not moving around. Roadhog is supposed to give me trouble but I'm usually out of range.

You guys might be right about the 30 meter range of his healing. I've seen that written, i've just yet to ever experience an ally that is out of range that I can see (because as Lucio, you're aware who you are healing). Another thing I noticed? D.Va's ultimate is totally based on line of sight and NOT Area of Effect. You can literally be right beside the explosion but as long as there is something blocking your sight line of the mech, you survive. Whereas as Lucio, i've been ALL THE WAY in the back and because I see the explosion, i die. it's brutal.

yeah, when I was providing those lists, it wasn't as much for you, Jeb, cuz you're very comfortable with the game and are totally playing for fun. I find those lists really useful to know who to play if you're either not comfortable with the game, or have been losing a bunch and want to switch to someone that has impact. I find I have LOTS of trouble deciding who to play so now I just can use that list in case no one has picked one of the guys (it's listed in order of importance of impact-on-win). And don't mistake it with a DPS list. That belongs to Bastion when playing against bad players. This assumes you're playing against good players.

that's awesome that you're good with genji. i NEVER have good genji's on my team. Did you know that when I play Lucio against Genji, that I ONLY ultimate when his ultimate goes off? It's the scariest ultimate in the game I think. I gotta counter it.

man that team you were playing against on Hanamura sounds awful. Symm, widow, bastion... i never get to play against those guys :(

sounds like a fun match. Wish we could play together :(

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11 Aug 2016 15:25 #231843 by Frohike
Replied by Frohike on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH

Black Barney wrote: Frohike, i think for KOTH maps, your mistakenly pronouncing Tracer as Lucio. That's totally her role, to blink about the objective and do exactly what you're saying. Lucio's not THAT fast and he needs to have his healing song going while others are taking the objective. Not the speed boost.

This may be because I'm not playing competitive, but when I'm skating up and along the walls inside the objective, using healing aura and spamming E when it's up, it takes a very long time for me to die (if ever, sometimes) and it heals the rest of the group as they're taking the point. I just have to keep an ear out for Death Blossom,'s nuke, or whatever and be ready to hop out and/or use an Ult myself. I'm not saying I'm solo'ing the objective or anything, but I'm definitely not hanging back with snipers.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, Black Barney

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11 Aug 2016 15:30 #231844 by Black Barney
yeah, probably cuz you're playing Quick match maybe, but TRY being super far away and seeing them all. You'll still heal them and you can just spam your gun while jumping around like an idiot. No one is going to deal with you because your team is taking the point. And don't forget to YO LETZ BREK IT DOWN once you're at +4 or better and they're engaged in a firefight

and tell those dumb snipers on your team to change classes for something useful. You can snipe-heal and snipe-spam from far away with Zen (hopefully) who can snipe-discord

and I'll bet my HOUSE that Discord is the next nerf, btw

anyway, try playing Lucio like that for once and see what you think. It's SO powerful. you're going to die even less and will be greatly helping your team by not dying.

what a fun game, i think i convinced my best friend to buy it. Another really close friend is a total beast at this game. 1st in the world as McCree (on xbox) and 3rd in the world as Lucio (on xbox)
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, Frohike

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13 Aug 2016 21:02 #231941 by Frohike
Replied by Frohike on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH
Great game, but at 133, I think I'm retiring from it. Without a group, it just becomes a pendulum between decent amusement and flat out, salty, vindictive rage. When I see a Bastion on attack, I don't even waste my time anymore if I'm still in lobby.

I've got a mean Junkrat, and an effective but boring game, a decent 76 & Reaper and I can heal well. But for the most part, it feels like my ability to measurably improve my skill in anything else is hampered by the long matchmaking load times and the randos I get matched with.

I think it's just time to find something else to play.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, Gary Sax

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13 Aug 2016 23:24 #231948 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH
Was anyone here on PS4? I am jeblucas on there, if so.

I hear you, Frohike. I have explored the space pretty well. The game is luckily pretty "bite-sized;" I will still play. I am going to fire DIABLO 3 or DESTINY back up though, and let OVERWATCH stew a little, getting some more chars, maybe a new map or something.

I have seen Bastion used effectively on offense--and have done so myself. Not in the room, of course, only after the payload is on the move, but I feel like it's all some kids know. You can get play of the game just mashing, you know? I can't blame them.

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14 Aug 2016 01:38 - 14 Aug 2016 01:39 #231953 by Gary Sax
Replied by Gary Sax on topic Let's talk about OVERWATCH
I'm on PS4 but rarely play this these days.
Last edit: 14 Aug 2016 01:39 by Gary Sax.

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14 Aug 2016 10:00 #231958 by Black Barney
Bastion is ALWAYS Terrible. You gotta play competitive. Teammates are better. I'm at a 60 rating and my teammates are typically pretty decent.

I got the impossible Luck achievement last night ! And I destroyed three Symm teleporters too, what a night. I'm playing Zen now and he's really good but super squishy. Instantly dies to Roadhog.

I feel dumb playing him when playing with my friend, Cuz he's ranked number one in the world now as Zen. I should really hand him the reins, lol.

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