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iOS GameCenter tags

03 Jun 2011 02:54 - 24 May 2013 15:20 #97430 by jeb
iOS GameCenter tags was created by jeb
It's a sad thing that I can only compare my awesome scores and cheevos to Matt Loter's shitty ones. What are your i{Pod/Phone/Pad} GameCenter tags? Friend each other up! You can TM me or reply here, I will update this first item. If you haven't please put your name down on the Xbox Gamertag list and the Steam group as appropriate.

{iOS tag} --> {FAT handle}

jeblucas --> jeb
ItsTheDukester --> TheDukester
dysjunct --> dysjunct
jhuntin1 --> jhuntin1
craniac --> Craniac
mattthr --> MattDP
sunderlanding --> JonJacob
imrahil327 --> imrahil327
MrsBSO --> stormseeker75 (that's his spouse's account, keep it above board)
madsbrynnum --> mads b.
Mr Skeletor --> Mr Skeletor
hotseatgames --> hotseatgames
Disgustipater --> Disgustipater
neonpeonman --> NeonPeon
jryderau --> trif
MattLoter --> MattLoter
crackedlcd75 --> Michael Barnes
=metalface13= --> metalface13
QPCloudy --> QPCloudy
JoelCFC25 --> JoelCFC25
aerodynamics1 --> aerodynamics
barneshome --> benny lava
Grant765 --> Dair
Shrieking Emu --> Shrieking Emu
superfly7n7 --> SuperflyTNT
Gentle Climax --> SaMoKo
ozjesting --> ozjesting
ldsdbomber --> ldsdbomber
hcmf.wice --> wice
andyinkuwait --> andyinkuwait
Ska_baron --> Ska_baron
Last edit: 24 May 2013 15:20 by jeb. Reason: MOAR

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03 Jun 2011 16:37 #97441 by TheDukester
Replied by TheDukester on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
TheDukester = ItsTheDukester on GC.

Anyone needing to feel good about themselves will see that they rank higher than me at everything — except for Neuroshima Hex. I rock at NH. Everything else, though ... yeah, not so much.

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03 Jun 2011 22:48 #97451 by dysjunct
Replied by dysjunct on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
I just got an iPad a few days ago, figured I should try out this newfangled tablet stuff. Didn't know I'd need a live copy of iTunes to activate it; I wiped my Windows HD years ago after realizing that I hadn't used it for probably three years. So that sucked but I got 'er done.

"dysjunct" of course.

Is Small World still a wargame?

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05 Jun 2011 01:34 #97469 by jhuntin1
Replied by jhuntin1 on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
I only have 3 games that GameCenter recognizes, but my tag is "jhuntin1".

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05 Jun 2011 04:07 #97472 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags

dysjunct wrote: I just got an iPad a few days ago, figured I should try out this newfangled tablet stuff. Didn't know I'd need a live copy of iTunes to activate it; I wiped my Windows HD years ago after realizing that I hadn't used it for probably three years. So that sucked but I got 'er done.

"dysjunct" of course.

Is Small World still a wargame?

SMALL WORLD is great on iOs from what I hear, but there's no online play, right? I think it's tabletop only. That is pretty awful. NEUROSHIMA HEX is a the same way. If they add online play to that thing? Holy shit.

I mostly want to wow you all with my TINY WINGS scores.

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05 Jun 2011 17:48 #97476 by TheDukester
Replied by TheDukester on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
No, no online for SW ... a game I haven't even opened in at least four months. Hell, I'd settle for the 3-player map at this point, even if I had to do an IAP for it. SW desperately needs some sort of update.

The NH guys have announced that online multiplayer is their next big project. They are ideal developers: they listen to the community and they make their process as transparent as possible (without giving away all their secrets, of course). I don't know the timeline, but you can count on it: online will be the next big update for NH.

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06 Jun 2011 12:23 #97487 by Cranberries
Replied by Cranberries on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags

I've been enjoying Tikal lately.

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06 Jun 2011 15:58 #97497 by TheDukester
Replied by TheDukester on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
I'm friending all y'all — having virtual friends helps validate my existence and fulfills my secret longing for acceptance.

BTW, thanks for starting the thread, Jeb; it's an overdue part of the F:AT community. I'm hoping we can get a few more people (eight, maybe? Ten? An even dozen?) and maybe set up some games every so often.


Off-topic: I hope GameCenter is given some improvements at today's Apple WWDC. It's a decent service, but it's pretty primitive.

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08 Jun 2011 01:51 #97615 by dysjunct
Replied by dysjunct on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
Jeb, your Tiny Wings scores are just ridiculous. Gah.

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09 Jun 2011 00:06 #97643 by jhuntin1
Replied by jhuntin1 on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
You guys all shame me scorewise. The hardest thing for me is finding a game I actually feel like spending money on when the description of the app is generally poor. What kind of recommendations can anyone make? I have Carcassonne, Catan, Neuroshima Hex, and Battle of Wesroth.

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09 Jun 2011 02:29 #97646 by dysjunct
Replied by dysjunct on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
I like Infinity Blade, played more of that than anything else since picking up the iPad. A little repetetive, but has that Pavlovian level-grinding and it's easy to pick up and put down as needed.

Angry Birds is still addictive although now that I've beaten all the levels on at least one star and am trying to get 3, it's getting frustrating.

Super StickMan Golf is cute and fun. Nothing like actual golf, thankfully. Par Out Golf is a cute idea too; I've only messed around with the free version but might shell out for the full version eventually.

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10 Jun 2011 18:46 #97764 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags

dysjunct wrote: Jeb, your Tiny Wings scores are just ridiculous. Gah.

YES! Sweet validation. It was all worth it. I can press that screen like a true champion.

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10 Sep 2011 21:11 #103106 by Matt Thrower
Mine is mattthr. I think I sent invitations to everyone on this list already.

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10 Sep 2011 22:02 #103110 by OldHippy
Replied by OldHippy on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags

I have zero friends but I assume my scores all suck. But some competition might make me try harder, I usually get bored of iOS games in about a day. This could change if I had friends (there should really be a different word for this).

Everyone should have biophilia .. no it's not a game, it's Bjorks answer to the death of the album.

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02 Dec 2011 18:30 #109188 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Re: iOS GameCenter tags
Stone cold bumpin' Space Ghost needs to get on this, as will others come the holidays.

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