F:AT, You Done Good!
OK, so at last here is my report on the Operation: Drop Pod charity drive we did as part of Secret Satan 2016. You guys really made an impressive, generous showing and we were able to donate 20 games to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, a wonderful pediatric hospital that is definitely deserving of our kindness. Let alone the kids that will get to play these games while they are staying at the hospital. We single-handedly gave them a pretty great library of high quality, fun kids' games.
So we delivered just after New Year's- my wife and my kids went down their to their donation office and rolled in a giant wagon loaded up with these games. The volunteers were pretty impressed, and even though they had a room full of donated items (including a stack about 10 high of air hockey tables), they didn't have any of this stuff- or any board games at all.
This is what we went with:
Minecraft: The Card Game
Unicorn Glitterluck
Star Wars: Operation
Loopin' Chewie
Ticket To Ride: The First Journey
King of Tokyo
Enchanted Forest
Sleeping Queens
Super Rhino
Luck Pirates (Gluck Piraten)
Survive! Space Attack
Enchanted Cupcake Party
Magic Labyrinth
Animal Upon Animal
Rivers, Roads and Rails
Race Through Space
That's some good stuff right there. Especially Loopin' Chewie.
Some of you donated money and I chose games- usually with me "topping up" with some out of pocket money to make the orders. Some of you gave games and shipped them on your dime. Either way, thank you all for helping to make this happen- it was a great way to end 2016, with an act of kindness.
I also want to call out publically two participants. Englestein and Space Ghost. These guys made HUGE contributions- not to diminish those others gave, but these guys practically doubled what we were able to do. I was very happy to give Survive: Space Attack on behalf of Geoff and his family!
So next Secret Satan, we'll do something like this again!