The sleeper has awakened! It Came From the Tabletop is back after a brief hiatus. The spice flows freely as Josh and Al talk about the all-time classic DUNE.
Intro/outro by Minibosses!
The sleeper has awakened! It Came From the Tabletop is back after a brief hiatus. The spice flows freely as Josh and Al talk about the all-time classic DUNE.
Intro/outro by Minibosses!
One night during the summer of 1997, Josh Look's cool uncle who owned a comic shop taught him how to play Magic the Gathering. The game set off his imagination in a way that he could not sleep that night, and he's been fascinated by games ever since. He spent many afternoons during his high school years skipping homework to play Dungeons & Dragons and paint Warhammer minatures, going on to discover hobby board games in his early 20s. He's been a writer for ThereWillBe.Games and is the creator and co-host of the geek culture podcast, The Wolfman's Lounge. He enjoys games that encourage a heavy amount of table talk and those that explore their themes beyond just their settings.