I've been played Quo Vadis a bit the last couple of weeks, it's this quite old Knizia game. I don't know how easy it is to get hold of a copy but it just came to mind because of what Josh said about Intrigue.
So, in it, you have to get your Roman senators up through these different committees to the very top of the tree kind of thing. There are 5 places at the top, and if you don't get any senators in there, you are automatically out, can't win. Of those who make it, it's down to who has picked up the most influence. So -
High Society-esque. Thing is, to get your dudes up there, you have to get votes from other players before you can move a dude from one committee to another. Which you do by bribing them with your influence or with promises to vote for them later. So it's got a similar kind of feel - not spending too much in those bribes, but, you have to get there somehow otherwise you've got no chance. And how much can you extract from others when they need your vote. Good times. I've been playing with teenagers who just eat this kind of stuff up (HIgh Society has also been a hit).