Yeah, I should be more clear...I want someone to actually run the thing. I have nowhere to leave stuff set up, even cards...not at work, and not with four chil'ens running around the house.
But I'm *IN* if someone wants to run it. We'll run it right 'chere in these hallowed PBEM Forum halls.
Count me in, too, but I can't host the game. No kids, but our cat loves games. Specifically, he loves to sit in game boxes, walk on games in progress and lie down on boards.
I'm also not offering to host as I don't yet own the game, but I'd love to play!
I think I missed the Ogre boat, but I promise to get my sh#t together for BSG.
I'd actually volunteer to run it if I knew some way to do so without having a physical game set up. I wonder if there is a program or something that folks are using to track cards, or a spreadsheet, or something like that.
I'm running a pbem now. While I would love to run a game here, I just don't have the time right now. But Ken, I would be happy to share my spreadsheet and show you how it works.
I am also running a Play by post one now...if I weren't in the middle of it, I'd volunteer to host. But I wouldn't mind sending the files that I am using to whoever needs it.
I'm running a pbem now. While I would love to run a game here, I just don't have the time right now. But Ken, I would be happy to share my spreadsheet and show you how it works.
Deal! Hit me up at bradfordken AT hotmail DAWT CAWM.
Okay...Bistro has forwarded me the stuff and I'm looking over it. I need a little time to figure out the logistics of juggling cards, but the spreadsheet looks to eliminate the need for a board and figures.
So give me a day or so to piece through it. Understand that there will be mistakes made and I will not be able to run it perfectly the first time. If everyone's okay with that, here are our six players:
Death and Taxis
Michael Barnes
Moderator: Ken B.
Please go ahead and read the rules at FFG's website if you are not already familiar with them. You can find them at the BSG section: