As it is "Giving Tuesday" and TOS is now in it's pledge drive for donations, I figured I should remind the folks here that Uba and Co. rarely ask for any money (I checked, it was almost one year ago). Since I have zero affiliation with this site, I'll go ahead and ask for them: now's as good as time as any to throw a few bucks at the site if you value it's content and community. We all know this site doesn't pull in much, if any, money from other sources, so it's up to us to let Uba and Al have a few extra bucks for Christmas presents or lots of alcohol around the holidays.
Donate button is at the bottom of the page, where it sits under-utilized all year.
If you donate today, I promise I will continue to not provide video content and I will also promise to make you upset or angry at least once in the coming calendar year.