There are 3 times a year when many publishers announce upcoming board game releases and launch Kickstarters. We are at one of those times now. There seems to be an even greater than normal number of announcements flooding in at this time, possibly due to delayed production schedules as a result of the pandemic,
Every time we enter one of these "news seasons", I get DMs complaining about "too much news."
Instead of answering each person individually, I am just going to post this here:
Some people here like discussing new and upcoming games. If you are not one of those, I encourage you to use the scroll arrows at the top of the forum to scroll past the news items and find the type of content you prefer.
Alternately, you could navigate to the front page. Scroll down a bit and you will come to the "Review," the "Article & Blog," and "Podcasts & Videos" sections. There you will find the most recent non-news items. There are even little scrolling arrows there as well, so you can see the 9 most recent items of each type. You can also click on the section titles to go to pages and pages of that type of content (Articles & Blogs have two separate hyperlinks). By default these pages are sorted by most recent.
By doing this for the the next few weeks, and possibly bookmarking the front page or your favorite section, you can ignore game announcements and get to the type of content you prefer more quickly. I know it is an inconvenience, however, the flood of news will soon be over, and then you can return to your regular routine.