Reviews written by blarknob
This is the best execution of a video game license in a board game I've seen so far. It reflects the nature of the video game without trying to mirror the gameplay.
The order system is really cool and allows for some great plays and the card combat system is really great, giving players more control over their battles than just dice.
The production quality is also amazing proving once again that FFG is awesome.
Diplomacy is a refreshing change of pace from big dice filled games with a thousand different plastic bits. It is a euro game from before the term existed but it still lets you kill stuff.
There is nothing like pulling crazy back stabs in this game because that is pretty much what the whole game is about.
I've been playing this game since first edition and it has been a joy to watch it evolve and mature into what i consider the current pinnacle of board games. With the addition of the shattered empire expansion this game became top dog in my books, the depth of strategy and game play variance as well as the length of the game(long is not bad) make for the most epic experience you can have with a board game.
This is the game that got me into board games, lots of war, little dudes and dice are what I'm about and this game was the first one to do that really well. The original board and rules aren't all that great anymore but with the revised edition and the new anniversary edition coming out it has been cleaned up balanced and polished to sparkle. This is one of the purest ameritrash games out there.