This is part of a series of bloody matches to the death. Show support for your favorite game so it will do better in the fight. You can support it by writing why you think its the better game and more importantly by betting (i.e. voting for) it. Please make it clear for when I check the bets later. You have until Friday when I tally the bets and declare the winner. I will reserve my bet for any tie-breakers.
Although you should be familiar with both games, there is no rule that says you have to have played both of them. The only rule in Trashdome is this;
Two games enter! One game leaves!
Trashdome: Nexus Ops vs Survive! Escape from Atlantis
Nexus Ops is a darling gem in my collection, obtained after reading a glowing review from some bloke named Michael Barnes.
But Survive! is ace.
With fond memories of playing the Parker Bros. version in 1986, I was beyond thrilled to get Stronghold's reprint decades later. My "family-by-choice" have played the hell out of it, and enjoy the ruthless slaughter of islanders. I was less thrilled with; the 5-6 player expansion and the squids and the ho-hum digital illustrations. So I picked up a copy of the 80's Parker Bros edition w/ its gorgeous hand drawn depictions and my childhood is back on the nostalgia train. I CAN HARPOON A WHALE.
Nexus Ops is a mighty fine alternative to Risk. Great observation. I can't bloody stand the QC on the Monolith.
It might be a product of playing with my kids, but over the last decade I don’t think I’ve ever had a game of Survive that was as fun as what folks around here seem to experience. I like it! But I have always felt like I’m missing something that really puts it into the upper echelons.
Mind you, my "family-by-choice" is filled with revenge and spite while gaming. When we move sharks and sea serpents around, we often forgo a winning strategy in lieu of retaliation. Hushed "fuck you"s can often be heard. It's a delight.
drewcula wrote: Mind you, my "family-by-choice" is filled with revenge and spite while gaming. When we move sharks and sea serpents around, we often forgo a winning strategy in lieu of retaliation. Hushed "fuck you"s can often be heard. It's a delight.
Nexus Ops: 7
Survive!: 7
With this I'll call this Trashdome to a an early close; Nexus Ops for your gamer friends, Survive for your family. Either way you'll have a grand time.
I hope you all have a lovely holiday and utter many heartfelt fuck yous to your friends and family this season!